Aslan vs. King Kong

Narnia will win hands down in Britan, ut the real battle will be in the U.S, where I'm afraid to say Kong may have an advantage, being set in American. But we shoukd do our best to help Narnia win
Starkist said:
I think a lot of folks here are sounding pretty insulated from the outside world. Sure, here on a Narnia forum, most people are more excited about the long awaited Narnia movie than for King Kong. Let me tell you though: While Narnia will win week one, King Kong will demolish everything in its path once it opens.

Peter Jackson made quite a name for himself when he adapted the Lord of the Rings to the big screen. He has been working his whole life to make King Kong. It has been highly publicized for two years now, ever since Jackson took home the Best Director Oscar. It has been getting nearly unanimous good reviews. Both teaser trailers have been met with astounding enthusiasm wherever they have been seen. While Narnia will make its share of cash, Kong will challenge Star Wars for the honor of being highest grossing movie of the year.

You know what though? I'm going to see them both. :)

Although I stand by most of what I said (biased polling data, needless competition, enjoying both movies) I humbly eat crow re my predictions of Kong's massive box office performance. While no small pittance, Kong did fall short of expectations. Narnia however, is challenging Harry Potter for the #2 movie of 2005, and will likely pass it within a few weeks.
King Kong is on his way out of the box office. So i think its fair to say that Narnia won just by a little bit. :)
Total Gross for Narnia:$588,504,000
Total Gross for Kong: $500,096,355

Great job, guys! Go see Narnia again! :D

help me!

Hi Im really stuck on the PC game but there the same with the PS2. Can you help me Im stuck on the to western wood bit. Im doing the right thing but I cant get the oger to sleep!what shall I do? :confused:

I am so proud of everybody going to see Narnia multiple times! Guess we showed that big monkey who the real King of the box office is huh? :)

BTW, Starkist, where did you get the information that Narnia was challenging Harry Potter for #2? I would love to read that article. Last time I saw, Narnia was #8 for 2005.
Last I saw in the newspaper Narnia was at $288 million domestically, while king kong had barely made $200 million.

Narnia was #4 in the box office and king kong was #7 for last week (I have not seen this week)

Disney will make a bigger push for Glory Road than it will for Narnia by this point. Also factor in that both Hoodwinked and Glory Road will take away from Narnia's major audience. However with King Kong so far down (it was below Narnia, Hostel, and Dick and Jane) it will probably fall out of the top ten within the next few weeks.

I had also read that Narnia had passed Batman Begins, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith to become the #3 movie for the year just behind Harry Potter, and Star Wars Episode III.
This is the actual IMDB numbers from last weekend:

13 January 2006
Rank Title Weekend Gross
1. Glory Road (2006) $16.9M $16.9M
2. Hoodwinked (2005) $16.9M $16.9M
3. Last Holiday (2006) $15.5M $15.5M
4. The Chronicles of Narnia (2005) $12.8M $264M
5. Hostel (2005) $11.4M $36.6M
6. Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) $10.3M $94.2M
7. King Kong (2005) $9.06M $205M
8. Tristan & Isolde (2006) $7.61M $7.61M
9. Brokeback Mountain (2005) $7.04M $32.1M
10. Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005) $6.81M $74.7M

I was a little off on Narnia though.
You know what i think. i think con is the best. Evethough kk is a giant ape n aslan is a normal sze lion. Ofcourse aslan will win kk.
If Aslan and KK had a fight, Aslan would win. Can't Aslan take the form of any animal? We see examples of that in VDT- The Lamb and the Seagull (Aslan). Aslan just chooses to take the form of a lion. KK can only be a giant ape. :D
aslan vs. king kong

that is such a good idea, but as far as im concerned we dont need to stop at the theatres,why not buy the dvd or soundtrack,if we buy a whole bunch of narnia stuff were bound to get ALL SEVEN BOOKS on the big screen! ;)
AslanJudah said:
I think it is VERY important for us to go see Narnia again in week two. King Kong Comes out that week and I'm afraid it will take much of the money away form Narnia. But if all of us go see it a second (or third, fourth....) time the second week it could help Narnia make the money it needs to for Disney to give the ok to make the other movies.

Finally. How cool would a fight between Alsan and King Kong be? Aslan would rock his world! :D

Yeah i know this is now april of 2006 but im responding to this post of what you said. I saw narnia twice then it got kinda boring the 2nd time sorry no offence yeah king kong came out and i went to go see that and it was GREAT!

Then you said i fight between Aslan and King Kong... well yeah Aslan could win with all that magic he has but look at kong bigger more aggresive and if you've seen the movie he took out 3 v-rexes. and if you picture in your mind a lion on the ground and i giant ape well thats kinda hard to image but thats just my opinion and happy easter