No appreciation for an opinion, jeeze. You need to take in other opinions other then your own, the comments you get are always "good" stuff because people know you don't like critic, you can 't take it, and that's why you never get any. Your opinion isn't the only one though, and make sure to keep in mind what other people think.
Okay, Hyper.... I think you need to take a chill pill.. in fact, take one whenever you get on this forum, would you? GondorGirl was not saying she didn't appreciate your opinion, she was just stating that you and her have different opinions. I, for one, agree with her on the angle one... and several others... I know how it goes...
And I am sure GondorGirl can take other peoples opinions. I think it is
you who can't take other peoples opinions. She was stating that she disagreed with your opinions, and you blow up in her face? Not cool. I have noticed that you get really offended really easily. I think you need to work on that. Look, you are a really nice person, but you get offended and upset way to easily. Think before you post. Please don't be so quick to blow up. People may be stating that they didn't agree with you; you don't have to get upset with them. In this instance, I am going to go with the quote 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.' Please. stop getting so offended so easily, and so frustrated at people when they don't agree with you, or they do something that bothers you. Try to say it in a respectful way. The way you said this was beyond rude, and I am close to reporting or giving negative rep for this comment.
Look, I have avoided saying anything when you do this because you are one of my friends on this forum and I hate it when friends get mad at me, but the Bible says that if a friend offends you to tell them, and that is what I am doing. I hope you take it that way, and don't blow up in
my face.
Oh. GG, I loved that 'darkness to your light' one, and several of the other ones. Some of them were a tad too plain for my taste, and a couple of the hulk banners were too crowded for my taste, but they are still good graphics.