LUCKY! I hope you enjoy it!
YAY!!! It's been so long GG, and I've been dying for some graphics to appear! I'll rate all of these, but don't take offence if I don't like one.
For the avatars:
I'll start with least favs Graphics/Randomflower.jpg
The Hawaiin flower is just a little out of place
5-10 Graphics/Ivy.jpg
Not my favorite effects, but really is not that bad.
7-10 Graphics/Gold.jpg
7-10 for this. It's VERY cool, and a great idea, but I also understand how you said it wasn't quite what you wanted it to be. Graphics/Notavatarsized.jpg
7-10 for this also.. I feel like the angle is a tad off, and it's just not my favorite. Graphics/Cute.jpg
There's nothing at all wrong with this one! I like it :-D
9-10 Graphics/Brown.jpg
I feel the same about this one as the last one besides that this has a little more style
9-10 Graphics/Basic.jpg
VERY nice!
10-10 :-D (You should use this one!)
This is my least fav out of the banners.. It just feel way too crowded, and the words are just too mashed together.. They are good lyrics though, and I really like them used for hulk!
I like it! The words match the picture 100%! I like your use of various texts, just they weren't my favorite style.. But it's hulk, and they match him, so I'll give you credit for that

I REALLY want to give this a ten, but every fiber of me is screaming 9-10. I would give it a ten if it wasn't for the pixely hulk on the left. besides that, I love how you incorporated some comicness into this graphic! So
I really liked all of these! I really don't want you to take offence by my ratings. I never rated less then 5 and a 5 is average, and average isn't bad

Just make sure to review my ratings by MY scale. (5=average 10=perfect)