Banners: by me, for you

I'm going to be gone for a week so attempt to keep my thread alive, but it probably wouldn't be the best idea to request :D;)
thanks. it's from an adorably cute episode of Stargate Atlantis, but it's pretty straightforward so I don't have to explain it too much
random banner. I've been wanting to use these song lyrics for a while

it has some rather scary parts and quite a bit of swearing, but it's an awesome movie. with a TV gaurdian
it doesn't make any sound but a subtitle appears on the bottom of the screen because it mutes more than just the word. it mutes the whole line and shows the line on the bottom of the screen with a different word or phrase
Hey, mi hermana, I've got a request! :)


Could you make me a banner of various Reed and Sue pics, with the main one (if you can find it without too much trouble) being of Reed holding Sue while she's dying, all with the quote "Cherish every moment you have with her"? If it's too difficult, don't worry about it...:)
yup, I happen to know where to find that picture, I will get it to you the next time I have a chance to get on the downstairs computer
yup, I happen to know where to find that picture, I will get it to you the next time I have a chance to get on the downstairs computer

Thanks sister! And if you feel like making a matching avvie, I'd much appreciate it... I've had my avvie for a LONG time... I can't remember anything else I've ever had as an avvie...:o
thanks. I may mess with that big picture for another banner. it looks like fun to play with lighting effects on
thanks. on other sites where I have less stuff in my banner I have a different Chariots of Fire quote

Duke of Sutherland: A sticky moment, George.
Lord Birkenhead: Thank God for Lindsay. I thought the
lad had us beaten.
Duke of Sutherland: He did have us beaten, and thank God
he did.
Lord Birkenhead: I don't quite follow you.
Duke of Sutherland: The "lad", as you call him, is a
true man of principles and a true athlete. His speed is
a mere extension of his life, its force. We sought to
sever his running from himself.
Lord Birkenhead: For his country's sake, yes.
Lord Birkenhead: No sake is worth that, least of all a
guilty national pride.

I went on IMBD and got all the quotes they had on there