Banners: by me, for you

ah, actually I can't. my email address I used to join the forum is my parent's and I have absolutely no idea how to use it :o

edit: I just made this. it's a song we're singing in Choir for Easter

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I've tried uploading it before. remember? it didn't work

no. I don't have my own email address
you did????? can you try again...or upload it to you don't have to sign up all you have to do is go to the site and upload it.
I will try freeimagehosting the next time I'm on that computer

edit: no matter how hard I try no computer will load that site up for me
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not at all. a person is trouble when their request is hard to make :D ;)

edit: ok, that's odd

oh, ok here we go

thanks Snowy, that's really great coming from here because you have some of the most awesome banners ever usually