Banners: by me, for you

Hey can you make me a banner of Narnia [either movie] that says:I am DestinyLies...aka A complete and total NARNIA FREAK!!


sure, it will give me a chance to play with the Prince Caspian pictures, but it will have to wait until I get on the other computer. :D
actually it may take a little longer than I thought, I'm going to try not to be on the computer much for the next few days. we have a WHOLE bunch of stuff going on right now. probably on Monday is when I'll be able to work on it
Thanks soo much! Could you do me a different one??When you're not busy! No rush again! Of a wall paper....that says:

May 16th
Woodland's Jr/Sr...I'm a Jr!
I'm getting out of school early,going to see Prince Caspian with my bestfriend...THEN getting ready for Jr./Sr.

With pics of Narnia....

You Rock!!!!!

you know what's odd? I thought I posted it, apparently I didn't, and now isn't working for me. I'll keep working on it
That's odd, I went and posted this, but apparently it didn't post.

well here's the Tinypic link for those of you who can see tinypic


and I may have uploaded the wrong one earlier Destiny, so I'm reuploading it

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well DestinyLies can't see anything like photobucket or tinypic and freeimagehosting is the only one we know she can see so far