Banners: by me, for you

LotRhopebanner.jpg of the Rings graphics/LotRhopebanner.jpg

I'd been intending to make this one since we watched the whole RotK trilogy recently but I hadn't got around to it
Would you please make me a LotR banner? I don't know how to make one, and the ones I've seen that you have made are really great. :)
You're probably all familiar with my Hold my Heart banner, I had it for a while there, here's a variation with lyrics from a different Tenth Avenue North song as well


and variations of an avatar I made with a picture I found while making that banner




and I'm really the only one who can probably see much difference between all of those...

I love the banner and the avvie! Nice GG!
I have a request finally GG!!!!

What: Banner (2 if you can) and avvie (if possible)
Text:(1st banner) Only God can explain why I love you so much.
(2nd banner) I did not choose to fall in love with you...but I'd do it all over again if I did.
(Avvie) CMH&JTM
Pictures: (You can choose which fit best) and Me/By Lee Bottoms/ (some of the pics are weird I know...he was taking candids not posed)
Anything else????
