Banners: by me, for you

Thanks :)

Certainly! Anything particular you have in mind?

maybe with a picture of her from VTD ...
i would like that you write on it: "We have nothing if not belief"
There's a font called "Narnia BLL", which is very cool and very similar to the letters on the posters and things from Narnia
link for download:, just in case you don't have it yet.

by the way, do you use Photoshop?

thank you so much
it's very nice of you to make this :D
maybe with a picture of her from VTD ...
i would like that you write on it: "We have nothing if not belief"
There's a font called "Narnia BLL", which is very cool and very similar to the letters on the posters and things from Narnia
link for download:, just in case you don't have it yet.

by the way, do you use Photoshop?

thank you so much
it's very nice of you to make this :D

:eek: That's pretty sweet! Thanks for showing me. I'll hopefully work on both of these requests soon.
For Obi

Rebeca Molina
Ooh, great job on both of them. I love them, even though the 2nd one isn't mine.

Thanks Obi, I'm glad you like it/them.

Oh I love those GG!!!! I loaded the font on to my computer. :D

It's genius, we can all give Rebeca a big thank you.

I absolutely gaped at the second one... so beautiful!

I'm downloading the font too. ;)

Aww thanks, I really like the base picture on that one.

Those are both beautiful, GG!

The song in the first one always makes me think of Boromir because of the river part.:p

It made me think, apparently fairly accurately, of the part in Anne of Green Gables that talks about that Tennyson poem. :D
That's why I love the video. I wonder if the lead singer is a big fan of AoGG. :D ;)
LOL, it made me think of that poem too!

I watched the video, and like the song a lot. A girl in my church that I really don't like is obsessed with it, so I assumed it was awful. Now I feel guilty. *facepalm*