BBC, Animated or Disney?

which is best... BBC, Animated or Disney?

  • BBC series

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Animated version

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • Disney film

    Votes: 79 84.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Which do you people think was the best? I think the Disney one has been the most 'graphically adventurous', but the BBC ones were also great, can't make up my mind...
I think the resurrection was handled most touchingly by the animated version. The Disney gets my all around vote for most beautiful film, but please check out this site and see what I mean:

The sound file is a bit large but listen anyway. You'll understand.
Yeah, that's true, I felt they could've made more of the resurrection in the Disney film, but I prefer the music in the disney one...
Technically, it the "Walden Media film". Disney had nothing to do with production, they just assisted in marketing.
I completely agree with Chakal. For some reason, the whole resurrection scene and the character of Aslan in general just didn't really do it for me in the Disney film, but the animated version was great in that respect. I do however, still think the disney film is better overall, and I loved pretty much everything else about it.
i said the newest, version. and i agree we should call it walden media version since they did most if the work. but i really love the animated version, in fact that was the first thing that introduced me to narnia but that was long ago. and the bbc version just didn't do it for me at all. it was boring and the acting was horrible. sorry. but i loved the aslan in the newer version, i think the graphics (and liam as the voice of aslan) were amaizing.
BBC, hands down. While the graphics suck compared with the Disney film, it was just brilliant and so true to the books (for the most part). Besides, I was obsessed with Edmund for about 3 years after watching it (then again, Ed has been my favourite character since reading the books...)...

But Blonde!Susan bugs me. It even says she has black hair!! :confused:
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I like the disney 1 alot.....the BBC ones were kinda weird......and the antamated ones R old (like that matters :rolleyes: ) and the disney 1 wuz more real made me feel that narnia wuz real

I saw the 1979 cartoon over Christmas, I watched some of it all but I found it really cheese and couldn't bare to watch it. :p

The animated one....that truly was terrible. The BBc one....I like em for nostalgia reasons but it didn't look like Narnia, more like the English countryside and the costumes sucked.

But the Walden Media one....It's fast-paced, witty and action filled with never a dull moment. And they chose all the pretty people to play the Pevensies.
ParavelPixie said:

I saw the 1979 cartoon over Christmas, I watched some of it all but I found it really cheese and couldn't bare to watch it. :p


OMG Peter with bell-bottoms and a turtle neck? NOT GOOD!
Jimmy Kickarse said:
The animated one....that truly was terrible. The BBc one....I like em for nostalgia reasons but it didn't look like Narnia, more like the English countryside and the costumes sucked.

But the Walden Media one....It's fast-paced, witty and action filled with never a dull moment. And they chose all the pretty people to play the Pevensies.

You mean you dont think the girl who played BBC Lucy was pretty!?!?!??! :eek: ;)
I think the Disney one is the best one. I've seen all three, and I mean, its really hard to pick a favorite.

The animated one i didn't like at all, so I could eliminate that one, but the BBC version is kind of an attachment for me. I've watched it over 10 times when i was a child, and I own it now. The special effects are horrible, but back then, when it was made, they were most likely wonderful. It was much more faithful to the book, and much longer, but certain things in the newer, Disney, version make it my favorite.

I love the actors, the special effects, the location, the makeup, the score, etc.
In some ways the BBC version will always be the best version...but I like Disney better, I wont lie.
stronger_WM said:
I think the Disney one is the best one. I've seen all three, and I mean, its really hard to pick a favorite.

The animated one i didn't like at all, so I could eliminate that one, but the BBC version is kind of an attachment for me. I've watched it over 10 times when i was a child, and I own it now. The special effects are horrible, but back then, when it was made, they were most likely wonderful. It was much more faithful to the book, and much longer, but certain things in the newer, Disney, version make it my favorite.

I love the actors, the special effects, the location, the makeup, the score, etc.
In some ways the BBC version will always be the best version...but I like Disney better, I wont lie.
it would be interesting to know what the BBC cast think of the new film. Wonder if they got invited to the premiere hmm :confused:
Thoughts on the various versions

I will agree with Chakal in that the spiritual message of LWW stands out best in the animated version, although overall I give my vote to the Disney version.

The animated version is very true to the story, except for a major departure in that the gifts are given to the children by Aslan and not by Father Christmas. What is even more amazing about this adaptation is that it was produced by the Children's Television Workshop, and was endorsed by the generally antichristian National Education Association (NEA). I still have the (beta format) videotape of it's original airing back in the early '80's.

The BBC version is at first disappointing. Their LWW, as cut for, and originally shown on PBS, is way too long. They spend an excessive amount of time in the story with the beavers and their escape. The animaltion of some of the fantastic creatures is downright cheesy. Aslan is pretty good for a oversize plush lion, but could have been much better. In general the BBC series got better as it went along, and SC is really quite well done. I was disappointed when Wonderworks was cancelled. I was even more disappointed when I found out, at the PBS station I was working for at the time, that they had simply thrown out the 1 inch tapes they had of the series. (I collect professional videotape machines, and can easily have played these tapes.)