BBC, Animated or Disney?

which is best... BBC, Animated or Disney?

  • BBC series

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Animated version

    Votes: 5 5.3%
  • Disney film

    Votes: 79 84.0%

  • Total voters
ParavelPixie said:
it would be interesting to know what the BBC cast think of the new film. Wonder if they got invited to the premiere hmm :confused:

Yeah that would be interesting.... I bet the new Narnia cast would do something in their honor if they had done that...well...i would've anyway.
ive never seen the BBc ones so i dont know about them. The animated LWW was the first Narnia thing id seen and thats what got me into it, however the Disney one rocks and is over all the best one by far! And it has skandar in it which is a bonus! lol :p
Jimmy Kickarse said:
The animated one....that truly was terrible. The BBc one....I like em for nostalgia reasons but it didn't look like Narnia, more like the English countryside and the costumes sucked.

That's because it was the English countryside, innit? Lol.

Animated version has Edmund wearing GLASSES? Where did they get that from?!
I grew up on the cartoon version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It was my favorite movie! The tape is so worn out that we can't even watch it anymore... but my mom bought it on DVD for Christmas. :D
EveningStar said:
I think the resurrection was handled most touchingly by the animated version. The Disney gets my all around vote for most beautiful film, but please check out this site and see what I mean:

The sound file is a bit large but listen anyway. You'll understand.

I agree, the ressurection scene was handled better in the animated version. Disney kinda ran it through too quickly, IMO. I had really expected for Lucy and Susan to play with Aslan for a bit before they ran off. It just seemed rush, which was kinda bittersweet.

However, overall, Disney/Walden made a better version out of the 3.
well, i've only seen the Disney one, but it was made much later than BBC and Animated (at least 16 years after BBC silver chair!) and so there is more technology. i've seen pics of the BBC version of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver....people dressed in suits, they're about 4 feet tall from waht i can tell in the pic....
I think that the Disney version was the best one, because now with all the new technology the movie actually came alive to me. The CGI creatures looked so real, that I had trouble figuring out who was real and who was fake.
Ahhhh... but if we say something is better becuase of the technology, then you could argue that the most unproffessional photograph is better than a Da Vinci work of art!

Less technology means more care and love - and that is what BBC is - care and love :D
There are so many things that are good about both of them. I mean I really like the BBC version but I also love the Disney one.

I like the Disney one more in the aspect of Susan coz in the BBC version Susan and Peter were ALWAYS on “the same page” and it got really old. I mean I know if they get along that is great but I just always imagined Susan more the way she was depicted in the new Narnia films. Also I would have to say that I think the BBC version did a better visual mach on Edmund than the Disney one. Please all you Skandar loyalists don’t kill me but that is my honest opinion. I mean Skandar Kynes did a lovely job in acting his part but Jonathan R. Scott just fit Edmund better visually the way Lewis had described him. Lucy was LOADS better in the new one and her acting was sooooo much better I can’t even begin. Peter…It was really almost a tie. I think both Peters did such an amazing job at what they did and how they depicted him…I think they both nailed it.

As for graphics of course Disney had it hands down but the BBC Version had some things that the Disney one didn’t that I really loved. Like the fight between the wolf and Peter in the BBC version, grated was a bit far fetched, but at least there was a struggle as for the new one Peter just kind of stood there and the Magrim jumped onto the sward. Another thing that bothered me in the new one that I really liked in the BBC is the way Edmund is after he gets stabbed. In the Disney one…Ok I laughed when I saw him lying there all sprawled out like that…it didn’t seem realistic. I know it is fantasy but even in that it has to have an element of realism. In the BBC version he actually looks like he got stabbed and just keeled over. However the Disney one as far as cinematography goes is absolutely fantastic.

Like I said I love them both because they both have great elements in them and they also both have their flaws.
I really liked the Disney/Walden one.The BBC's version of Aslan running to the witch's castle is my least favorite part of that movie because lions can't fly.The animated version was really great but I like the music and gaphics of the Disney/Walden one.
Walden Media Hands down

I haven't seen the BBC version so I can't comment on it. The cartoon version I grew up with. I liked certain things from it and somethings I didn't like. I didn't like the reserection scene from it. Aslan comes back and the violins play and the girls sing and dance and everywhere Aslan stands and jumps flowers grow... Kinda hoekey. Also there are some bad acting or voice over moments that get me everytime in the cartoon. Just after the Witch dies, Peter talks the Aslan and mentions that Edmund was hurt and the line is said so badly. On a good side I grew up with it and it was a favorite otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. The Walden Media one brought back my childhood. Seeing Aslan for the first time stepping out of his tent and hearing him speak almost brought me to tears, and I don't cry often. The reserection scene in the new one is short and to the point. I see it as more relistic to the book and possibly the Bible.

Aslan's Mane
The new version. I have never seen the animated movie, but I watched the BBC one a couple of days ago. I was a little disappointed by the graphics and the way in which the battle took place so for me the Disney version is much much better. The Disney one brought my own imagination onto the screen... it was like I watched my own storyline and illustrations at many points in the movie... that magic just brought back all of my memories of Narnia and it gave me such a good feeling...