Benonites II

Actually I have heard him use the F word in one of the Locked In trailers & I read in some interview, though I don't remember which one, that he used the S word. I don't tend to trust written interviews as much as I do videos, though both are capable of being inaccurate. Still, I do know what I heard in the trailer. I wonder if Georgie still had the Potty Mouth Bucket by the time PC rolled around and if he had to contribute to it :p

that was a movie though. I've seen a photo shoot where he had to do the middle finger. But it was hilarious because the sign said 'ask for the deal of the day!'
Hmmmm....well if he's like my dad,he'll be saying one of those at SOME point.
He's british,you should see Vicky.
My favorite part is the part when Lilliandil shows up xD I love the look Caspian gives Edmund at the end. He's all like, "Back off, she's MINE!" ROFL :p

Ben has such awesome facial expressions. :D

I dunno if I have the guts to watch it. I always get soooo enraged at these trailers. But its good to know they're adding some more romance. I would only add that because it was QUITE unclear in the book.

Yes he DOES! You should see him cry though....THAT is pretty funny.
As they say, the trailer always lies. You can't judge a movie based on the trailers...

Like the Bridge to Terabithia trailer--they made it look like some Narnia-esque fantasy adventure and of course the actual story was NOTHING like that. :rolleyes:
I know what you mean! Bridge to Terabithia was an awesome movie!

Anyway, I pobably won't watch the trailer, and will wait until the movie actually comes out.
As they say, the trailer always lies. You can't judge a movie based on the trailers...

Like the Bridge to Terabithia trailer--they made it look like some Narnia-esque fantasy adventure and of course the actual story was NOTHING like that. :rolleyes:

good to know. My mum was pretty enraged at it because thats HER favorite this must run in the family:D
I know you can't always go by trailers, Dusty. Just pointing out that it's not like he's never used the word in his life ;) By the way, I normally don't like peer pressure, but this is me peer pressuring you. WATCH THE TRAILER!!! YOU'RE MISSING OUT! :p jk, do what you want. But remember, trailers lie.
I know you can't always go by trailers, Dusty. Just pointing out that it's not like he's never used the word in his life ;) By the way, I normally don't like peer pressure, but this is me peer pressuring you. WATCH THE TRAILER!!! YOU'RE MISSING OUT! :p jk, do what you want. But remember, trailers lie.

My computer is too slow. I have a WAY out dated mac that can only do text edit and THIS site. No videos no NOTHING.
When I get my dad's computer maybe I'll watch it. I'll just go see the freaking movie.

Oh hun he SIGNED IT. Its kind of sick humour but that picture always makes me laugh. He has this ornery smirk on his face that my dad has. OMG! I went through pre-hyrise pics of Ben at the SAME time as I was going through pictures of my dad in his early teens and twenties...OMG THEY LOOK EXACTLY ALIKE!

Which worries me even more because my mom likes to tease me that I was gonna like somebody who looked like my daddy and I apparently HAVE and when I explain that she's like "Ben,your dad? ah naw."
I swear,he's just a younger,skinnier and slightly less potty-mouthed,british version of my dad....its so surreal!

Hey did you see how my book turned out? its over.
I haven't read it yet. I have barely found time and energy to write my own book, but I will finish reading your book, please don't spoil it for me :)

I wasn't talking about Ben signing it, I was talking about him saying it in the Locked In trailer.

I think there have been studies that show girls tend to go for guys who remind them of their fathers. Weird.

I hope you will be able to see the trailer soon. This link has the transcript and a ton of pics if you want to see that.
Will it work on your computer?
I know you guys stopped talking about this ages ago, but why would you say crap in a British accent? I mean, we are awesome, but most of us don't have accents. Do you notice the British accents in the HP movies, if you've seen any of them anyway. LOL :D
I haven't read it yet. I have barely found time and energy to write my own book, but I will finish reading your book, please don't spoil it for me :)

I wasn't talking about Ben signing it, I was talking about him saying it in the Locked In trailer.

I think there have been studies that show girls tend to go for guys who remind them of their fathers. Weird.

I hope you will be able to see the trailer soon. This link has the transcript and a ton of pics if you want to see that.
Will it work on your computer?

I'm still outraged. Edmund AND Caspian crushing on her? I don't THINK SOOOOOOO!

I'm sure he's actually said it in real life at SOME point...but a chill guy like that...get him so riled to say something like that?...WHAT DID YOU DO?:D

Yes I know that study which makes it weirder. My dad has his smile and his ornery sense of humour strongest

Our accents are boring!!!
Yours are really funny XD

Thats what EVERY race thinks of every OTHER race's accent. Americans think it sounds "fancy" or something. Stupid people think its "sexy" or whatever on Ben and thats total bogus. Its just an accent...Apparently I sound part cockney to Vicky when I do mine.

It bugs everyone at home but I luuuuuuuuurve to do it.

NEWS FLASH: I bought a ton of pieces for my Dorian Gray costume! I'm getting pictures taken as SOON as possible. I might wait till AFTER halloween because then I'll have all the pieces.
Mum still doesn't know where I learned of Dorian Gray or why I know so much about how to put the costume together and so I almost got caught and had to conjure up a fake picture!:eek:
I'm still outraged. Edmund AND Caspian crushing on her? I don't THINK SOOOOOOO!

No don't worry. I seriously don't think it's that big a deal. I believe they are both just taken by her beauty. I don't think it's going to turn into an all out battle or even as major a thing as Suspian was. I think possibly they stuck that bit in the movie for laughs and also to let veiwers know that Ramandu's daughter is very beautiful. In the book it says something like they had never known what beauty was until they saw her or something to that effect. So it would make sense, in the film adaption, to have more than one person find her beautiful. After all opinions on beauty to vary. Where some think Laura Brent is very beautiful, others find her plain. You're never gonna find one woman who everyone agrees is just IT so you have to make it plain to the audience that in the movie she is IT.

SammylovesNarnia1 Umm I occasionally say: "we're gonna go... SHOPPING!" In an american accent and I also say: "i'm just a farm girl" (hillbilly)

So then, surely, you see the appeal of faking accents :D