Benonites II

No don't worry. I seriously don't think it's that big a deal. I believe they are both just taken by her beauty. I don't think it's going to turn into an all out battle or even as major a thing as Suspian was. I think possibly they stuck that bit in the movie for laughs and also to let veiwers know that Ramandu's daughter is very beautiful. In the book it says something like they had never known what beauty was until they saw her or something to that effect. So it would make sense, in the film adaption, to have more than one person find her beautiful. After all opinions on beauty to vary. Where some think Laura Brent is very beautiful, others find her plain. You're never gonna find one woman who everyone agrees is just IT so you have to make it plain to the audience that in the movie she is IT.

Yeah, I completely agree with that. Again, it does say in the book that basically she is supposed to be very beautiful, and pretty much every guy from the Dawn Treader is like "OMG who is THAT" in the book (that's the impression I got, anyway :p). So it's not like it's a big deal. If a very beautiful woman (who happened to be a star 5 seconds ago and is still glowing, btw :p) just randomly appeared in front of a bunch of men who've been stuck on a ship for weeks/months, obviously they're ALL going to be considerably distracted :rolleyes:

Besides, Caspian was a naive young man! in PC ^_^ And it's been 3 YEARS since then...I mean, I've had plenty of crushes within the last 3 years. We go through those like wildfire sometimes xD It's not like he was madly in love with Susan; it was more like...oh, you're a girl and I like you. Yay. The end. That kind of thing. :p
It's not like he was madly in love with Susan; it was more like...oh, you're a girl and I like you. Yay. The end. That kind of thing. :p

That reminds me of the romance I had with Nathan before I saw Ben.
I had JUST hit puberty so ha ha....seriously the kid has nothing to offer...AND HE WAS YOUNGER!:eek:
This is NOT my best work,but here is a link to a trailer I made for the mr. B book if it were a film. But Ben would think it uninteresting and the film would never be made. I warn you,ITS PRETTY crappy due to the restrictions or my experience but enjoy.

Also here is ben's annoying laugh. YAY HE HAS CUTE FLAWS LIKE I DO!
He must be so annoying to people older than him..can you see Colin's face?:D

Edit: OMG THIS IS EVEN FUNNIER! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAH! I've just been googling Ben's hilarity for an hour now and this tops EVERYTHING:

heres the Jay Leno one,because its so hard to find:
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Cockney accents make me giggle, and sometimes I say certain things that are in jokes with someone in a certain accent. I love laughing at the chavs in my school, they sound like they're illeterate or something, although to be fair, most of them are. :D LOL
I am so depressed with my life right now...I need a serious Ben hug. I just started crying spontaneously and it's worrying me b/c I never ever do that.

*needs Ben hug*


Awwwww....We need to kidnap him,throw him in a dryer and make him hug you while he's all warm and fuzzy.
I suggest watching one of those vids I posted,they will make you feel considerably better(especially the 3rd link.)

I hope you feel better soon!
This is NOT my best work,but here is a link to a trailer I made for the mr. B book if it were a film. But Ben would think it uninteresting and the film would never be made. I warn you,ITS PRETTY crappy due to the restrictions or my experience but enjoy.

that was awesome!:D

Thank you! I think its needs a little more though...I can't help but feel its lacking something. I think its the titles and stuff...TOO CHEAPY LOOKING! GAHAHAHAHHAHAH!:eek:
I am so sorry! I will pray for you. PM me if you want to talk.

Awwwww....We need to kidnap him,throw him in a dryer and make him hug you while he's all warm and fuzzy.
I suggest watching one of those vids I posted,they will make you feel considerably better(especially the 3rd link.)

I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks. I just had two deaths in the family and the last 3 weeks have been insanely chaotic. I'm behind with schoolwork, my mom's having an especially hard time right now b/c she just lost two of her confidants and is now having to confide in me with all the issues she's putting up with, I'm going crazy trying to sort out my study abroad plans, one of my professors got on my nerves about following up on an e-mail the weekend of the funerals, my uncle is having issues getting his life together...yeah. It's a lot of stuff all at once :(

But I remembered something today and went and looked up the end of It's A Wonderful Life on youtube, and watching it made me feel SO SO SOOOO much better. :)
Thanks. I just had two deaths in the family and the last 3 weeks have been insanely chaotic. I'm behind with schoolwork, my mom's having an especially hard time right now b/c she just lost two of her confidants and is now having to confide in me with all the issues she's putting up with, I'm going crazy trying to sort out my study abroad plans, one of my professors got on my nerves about following up on an e-mail the weekend of the funerals, my uncle is having issues getting his life together...yeah. It's a lot of stuff all at once :(

But I remembered something today and went and looked up the end of It's A Wonderful Life on youtube, and watching it made me feel SO SO SOOOO much better. :)

Oh now I see...I saw your siggie. Many hugs and prayers,I see this might be overwhelming. When I feel bad I try to distract myself with music or something funnny....glad to see you've found something to make yourself better.

*ben hugs* I kidnapped him and made him give you virtual hugs!:D
heres the Jay Leno one,because its so hard to find:


gfdjsgkfdjgdfklsjdlskgjfdlgjdflkgjdflkgdfjlkdfl;gkdfjg;lkdfjglk;dfgjdflk;g *hugsNMD* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You have NO idea how long I have been looking for that interview. I was looking for it EVERYWHERE and could not find it! Thank you SO MUCH for it. You're a life saver!! :D