Benonites II

I dont care if they dont stick to the book. I think that the film and book should be different. As long as they have the main idea eg. four kids + wardrobe + saves narnia + Aslan(lion) WW = good.
I think that the film is another perseptive on something. I loved the film of P.C but not the book. The book was okay but not amazing. I love the DT book and I think the film looks amazing. They cant have everything in the book and somethings they have to change as its difficult to carry out some of the events or the events just drag the film on. In P.C they changed the time caspian blew the horn because
a. it was exploring how caspian would react to seeing narnians (he was scared so he blew for help)
B. To get the film moving it also meant the pevensies could be introduced quicker.
I;m with Reagan on this one. After seeing the last trailer to VDT, I kind of want to punch the directer in the face. He might even be worse the Andrew was on PC(he did pretty good on the first film).
I think that P.C was the better film more action and Edmund was waaaaaay nicer plus Ben was introduced ;D
I think that if Andrew stuck with the age of caspian ect. then Ben wouldnt have been casted and we may not be on this thread now...
Oh I definitely think Apted strayed further from the book than Adamson ever did. Of course we won't know for sure until we see the movie.
Ya know it's weird. With PC I think they kept the themes and the basic plot of the book, but they changed the characters and a lot of the smaller details in the book. I think VDT will have a lot of the little things that make the book special and it will keep the characters pretty much the way they are in the book. I even suspect it will have many of the same events as in the story, but they changed the plot.

If only you could get a movie with plot, characters and all intact... Oh wait, that was LWW.

I agree with Sammy, though. If it weren't for PC not sticking to the book we probably wouldn't know who Ben is. Maybe, just maybe, something good could come from VDT not being exactly like the book. You never know.
Hey! Ya'll are BOTH on ya doin? I tried on my DG costume to seconds ago and I looked incredibly like Ben...its kind of creepy.

Yes,If Adamson hadn't have screwed PC up,I would not have known Ben and therefore not've known YOU all.
I wouldn't even EXIST on this forum...and I wouldn't have become a narnia geek:p

I still wanna punch Apted in the face. The only way they can make up for all his screw-ery is to play "The Saltwater Room" on the credits as Lilliandil and Caspian's theme.
The only way they can make up for all his screw-ery is to play "The Saltwater Room" on the credits as Lilliandil and Caspian's theme.

Ha ha! That would be hillarious! Exhilarating! They must do it!!!! *pushes imaginary 'like' button*

Note: Just because I have posted on this thread does NOT mean I'm a fan of Ben Barnes!!!
Ha ha! That would be hillarious! Exhilarating! They must do it!!!! *pushes imaginary 'like' button*

Note: Just because I have posted on this thread does NOT mean I'm a fan of Ben Barnes!!!

Its the only way to save themselves from my wrath....
Yeah non benonites post in here all the time.

By the way,we should change our name. Benonite sounds like Menonite.
I can't think of anything really though...
Hey! Ya'll are BOTH on ya doin? I tried on my DG costume to seconds ago and I looked incredibly like Ben...its kind of creepy.

Yes,If Adamson hadn't have screwed PC up,I would not have known Ben and therefore not've known YOU all.
I wouldn't even EXIST on this forum...and I wouldn't have become a narnia geek:p

I still wanna punch Apted in the face. The only way they can make up for all his screw-ery is to play "The Saltwater Room" on the credits as Lilliandil and Caspian's theme.

Yeah, I guess your right! now I'm thankful for PC!!
Oh God...WHAT DID YOU DO?>???????????????

Ok, I didn't do anything. But, there are TONS of Avatar fans out there who say that they want to go to M. Night Shyamalan's house and kill him! :eek: I join an Avatar fansite and so I would know. ;)

And I'll admit it, I did enjoy the movie a TINY bit. But all the fans on the fansite are mad at me because I want to get the movie on DVD.:rolleyes:
haha What does your DG costume consist of?

A cape trimmed with faux fur,a top hat,a white silk vest with rhinestone buttons,a black blazer,a black pair of slacks,a white dress shirt,the 3 ringed gold pin he wears in the film that I made myself,a yellow flower pin,a red ascot and a can with a silver tip that I made from tin foil....and IT WAS ALL UNDER 50 BUCKS! I found all the fancy clothes for 16$(for everything) at salvation army and everything else was real cheap too!
I have to wear converse but otherwise the costume is great! I'll take looooooooooots of pictures when the cape's all done.

Not fantastic?! It's amazing!!

I dabble in that TV show. I saw the intro and thought the first part where they're talking about how Ang needs training was funny(running into a boulder):D
Oh thats probably the scene where he...OH WAIT A SECOND! He went quietly when they were kidnapped...maybe I'm missing something.

I hope they get that interrogation scene right..Ben is SERIOUSLY good at that "I'm gonna kick your butt stare."

wow your costume sounds awesome XD
Are you gonna upload the pictures?

mmmm hmmm. BUt I want to make the cape JUST WAIT!:D:p
Ok, I didn't do anything. But, there are TONS of Avatar fans out there who say that they want to go to M. Night Shyamalan's house and kill him! :eek: I join an Avatar fansite and so I would know.

And I'll admit it, I did enjoy the movie a TINY bit. But all the fans on the fansite are mad at me because I want to get the movie on DVD.:rolleyes:

hmmmm...:rolleyes:, I'll admit that I don't like avatar! (Only the cartoons..:D)