Benonites II

I've been reading some earlier posts in this thread,like on the very first pages and they're cracking me up over how spazzy they're getting over Ben being in New Moon and Twilight BWALALHAHAHALALLA!

Ben in Twilight would've TOTALLY made it more tolerable for me(and induced me into a Twi-hard) but also would've ruined his life,mine and I wouldn't have met ya'll.

But seriously they were all flipping out over it like "yayayayyayaya!"
and he goes and does a Boring film(Easy Virtue) a gross fim (Dorian Gray) and a confusing film (Locked IN)

sorry...its funny to me:p
I need to see all the ones listed above.
If Ben was in twilight My life would be over.
I cant stand twilight. I'm not a vampire person. I dislike vampire films except:
Carry on Screaming, Lesbian Vampire Killers and The Lost Boys.
The rest is a load of (word not appropiate)
I need to see all the ones listed above.
If Ben was in twilight My life would be over.
I cant stand twilight. I'm not a vampire person. I dislike vampire films except:
Carry on Screaming, Lesbian Vampire Killers and The Lost Boys.
The rest is a load of (word not appropiate)

yep...mine too. it is a load of that and Ben was just hard out for cash. usually when he picks out something to do,he makes sure its a really good story first and then he agrees...but sometimes thats the end of him.

Anyone else think my siggie is as bad a** as I think it is? look at that little smart a** look of his!:D
oh look at THESE:



funny no?
haha these are funny! my favorite is the first one!

Ben in TWILIGHT??? wound't that be fun......:rolleyes:
please don't get me started on Twilight...

Oh hunny...I KNOW what happens when I get you started...and its a DARN good time ain't it!

I wonder what Ben would look like with his hair all unkempt like edwards. Ironically bEN IS THE ONE WHO TAKES LESS SHOWERS!
Ben can generally wear hats :p

I do like him to wear shuns some of the girliness of the long hair.
I like it when he wears his newsboy cap with the tweed coat *melts* ahahahhaa.

I wonder if his hats smell good? You know,after someone weres a hat a looooooong time their shampoo smell wears off into the hat and it smells REALLY GOOD!:D

Yep...I smell sue me:p
from what i've seen of the pics :)

from what i've seen of the pics ben looks very well :) i hope the candle in the pumpkin i carved for him is still burning, goes to the pumpkin and checcks it out, yep still burning :)
IRISH? Man what this boy will do for money.....

I haven't managed to watch it yet but I DID find it 5 days ago. Does that count as beating you to it?:p

I DO imagine it looking like Ben. I was going to do that today myself but I ended up making my pumpkin vomit innards everywhere because I botched the owl design.

Plus my parents have heard enough "Ben barnes" from my 4 yr. old Brother.
Maxx(his name is spelled like that) just about ruins him for me because I get teased worse and can't bring him up much anymore...*sigh* brothers...