Benonites II

my mom is iffy about sorcery and such. But...My dad is on my side so maybe I'll get to read them someday...or at least watch the movies.

I have a LEGO Harry Potter poster on my bedroom wall right now:p
Yeah, I don't do stuff with "good witches" as a general rule. Oh I can't remember if I've said this or not, but if I have I'll say it again
I PASSED ALL THE TESTS FOR THE GED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I PASSED ALL THE TESTS FOR THE GED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*blows party horns* *throws confetti*


Here's a ceremonial wintery theme giant cupcake:
MY parents mind EVERYTHING!
I got my first pair of heels today(my mum picked them out even!) and my dad was still skeptical. They're safe,I walk on tip toe anyway and they're not trampy. I am keeping them.
Besides I already wore them all over the mall!:D

I also got a Ben Barnes style leather jacket! hahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha!
MY parents mind EVERYTHING!
I got my first pair of heels today(my mum picked them out even!) and my dad was still skeptical. They're safe,I walk on tip toe anyway and they're not trampy. I am keeping them.
Besides I already wore them all over the mall!:D

I also got a Ben Barnes style leather jacket! hahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha!

my parents don't want me to wear racy things, but that's about it. and they wound let me read or watch the last 2 Twilight books/ movies. I really don't want to anyway:cool:
My parents dont really mind what i wear.
My dads conversation will be:
"arent they a bit short?"
"ccan you change?"
"because I dont see them as inappropiate and I like them."
*walks away out the door*
Thanks for the celebration, Dusty!

Yeah, about the parent thing. I'm allowed to wear heels and last year mom finally started letting me wear eyeliner. The thing is, I'm currently 18 and still have to ask permission to go anywhere. :/ My mom has always been pretty strict.

As for the racy outfits, well mom and I don't really have that problem. Very rarely she'll tell me something looks too tight or something but usually because I ask. I have no desire to wear racy clothes. I read this book by Haley DiMarco called Sexy Girls (How Hot is too Hot?) And it was about guys and what they think when you wear racy clothes. It talked about how it puts *not good* thoughts in the mind of every guy you're around from age 12 to 120 not just the guy you want to attract. So to that I say no thanks. *barf* I am pretty modest. No, I don't dress like a nun, but I do find creative ways to be cute and modest. Mom doesn't have a problem with that.
Thanks for the celebration, Dusty!

Yeah, about the parent thing. I'm allowed to wear heels and last year mom finally started letting me wear eyeliner. The thing is, I'm currently 18 and still have to ask permission to go anywhere. :/ My mom has always been pretty strict.

As for the racy outfits, well mom and I don't really have that problem. Very rarely she'll tell me something looks too tight or something but usually because I ask. I have no desire to wear racy clothes. I read this book by Haley DiMarco called Sexy Girls (How Hot is too Hot?) And it was about guys and what they think when you wear racy clothes. It talked about how it puts *not good* thoughts in the mind of every guy you're around from age 12 to 120 not just the guy you want to attract. So to that I say no thanks. *barf* I am pretty modest. No, I don't dress like a nun, but I do find creative ways to be cute and modest. Mom doesn't have a problem with that.

HECK I DON'T WEAR RACY CRAP! I bought a pair of medium wedges! I dress like a harajuku chick meets emo cutie. I always have to ask my dad wether anything is too short and usually I don't because its uncomfortable! I don't wear it anyway! I'd rather dress goth or punk to be menacing so boys WON'T notice me.'re a legal adult now and you JUST started wearing eye-liner?
We have an eye-liner rule here,its "around the house only." we can only wear it outside the house if it is done PROPERLY and lightly.

I have NEVER found heels "racy" because ALL they do is make you maybe 3 inches taller. What's so sexy about height? I don't wear short skirts with heels so you can't see under them,its not racy...stupid male minds.
Well...My mum approves and My dad is going away for a few days,AND i bought them at a mall that takes 1 hour to get to. I can't break them,or trip in them,they're super comfortable and super cute.
I get to keep them:D

Plus,why would they be mad at me? MY MOM PICKED THEM OUT!
She went over to them and was like "all these are so cute!" "you should get these reagan" and I said "But I could never wear them out! why would I pay 34.95 for things I couldn't wear out. You won't let me wear heels."
and SHE SAID "Wedges are NOT heels,you can wear them out."
TA-DA I bought them and wore them around the mall.
Man,we sound like an SCA unit. We're not paying ANY attention to Ben,we're just sitting around talking amongst ourselves till HE gets in trouble again.
By the way,has anyone seen the new pics for Birdsong?
I used a few in my book and Ben is apparently a good fist fighter...when in combat with an old man.
Man,we sound like an SCA unit. We're not paying ANY attention to Ben,we're just sitting around talking amongst ourselves till HE gets in trouble again.
By the way,has anyone seen the new pics for Birdsong?
I used a few in my book and Ben is apparently a good fist fighter...when in combat with an old man.

nah I haven't seen them yet. I wish I could see the play though!
I just have a pair of short shorts and a mini skirt but thats it.
I tend to live more in jeans as england is soooo cold XD So when it is sunny I make the most of wearing skirts and shorts :)

Back to Ben which trailer do you think ben looks the best in?
I just have a pair of short shorts and a mini skirt but thats it.
I tend to live more in jeans as england is soooo cold XD So when it is sunny I make the most of wearing skirts and shorts :)

Back to Ben which trailer do you think ben looks the best in?

I think he looks his best in the Bigga than Ben trailer. He's ornery,cute,and menacing at the same time! Plus I luuuuuurve that hair cut...omgod!
There is ONE trailer where he looks positively sexy and usually I hate saying that.
It was the promotional trailer(I call it the epic epic of epicness) to get people hyped up on PC and OMY FRIGGIN' GOSH IT WAS SO EPIC!
He was walking through the rain in this awesome trench coat and even HE could make those trashy sports pants look good when he is wuppin' major A** on the trainer guys! *melts* I remember spazzing out on her about it awhile ago but LORD IS IT AMAZING!

If you asked about a VOTD trailer...I say none. I will not support it...but I am GLAD he is cleaned up a bit.
love the heels and jacket! and the glassed as so awesome!

My mum said they look like fireman heels almost.

Yeah he did look good in that one Sammy. I'm just glad he doesn't look sleazy,greasy and with his hair in a pony tail*shudders* he looks like a rapist or something when he does that..ewww.

My mum called him a Dork today. My brother(who has NO brain) kept saying Ben Barnes is available with "sexy girls" and I told him that they hate him.
Mum asked me why and I told her it was because they usually just say "aww he's nice." Ben is no hunk in hollywood's perspective...he is to us because we only see his shallow side but the REAL women I don't think really like him.
Ben said so himself,he's annoying and not cool. HE'S MINE! I'M ANNOYING!
But I'm super cool though...I get along with everybody and sometimes I am popular with people I don't WANT to be popular with.
I clash with too many people. Its very annoying. I dont realise how I've offended them but apparently I have. Then they're like Apologise. Its like no as i've done nothing wrong. So just go away and look in the mirror to make sure you're not the one. Sorry for my kinda rant...

Benjamin is HILARIOUS!