Benonites II

I clash with too many people. Its very annoying. I dont realise how I've offended them but apparently I have. Then they're like Apologise. Its like no as i've done nothing wrong. So just go away and look in the mirror to make sure you're not the one. Sorry for my kinda rant...

Benjamin is HILARIOUS!

HAHA! You sounded like peter in that stupid fight scene in the beginning of PC.
Which Benjamin?
Barnes or a kid in your school?
ONE MONTH TILL VDT!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I'm so excited.

Btw, my friend wants me to kidnap Ben for her. I'm going to Ireland next semester and will most definitely be visiting England while I'm over there, so she wants me to kidnap Ben.

She's in love with his hair.

brings in the Thanksgiving decorations

comes in with her white robe and wings on bringing Thanksgiving decorations for ben, corn husks, little pumpkins, places them all around the room, still excited to be seeing ben again in his role as King caspian, flys out of the room
ONE MONTH TILL VDT!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I'm so excited.

Btw, my friend wants me to kidnap Ben for her. I'm going to Ireland next semester and will most definitely be visiting England while I'm over there, so she wants me to kidnap Ben.

She's in love with his hair.


Come on guys,we don't wanna be like the DFA. My mum called me creepy today for knowing so much and I feel a little like I creepy?
I just think he's cute,funny,and have suspicions about his relationship patterns. DO I STALK HIM WITH CASH???? NO!
Now seriously,tell your friend he ain't go no hair but he has a VERY nice news boy cap right now.....

am I creepy?:(
Come on guys,we don't wanna be like the DFA. My mum called me creepy today for knowing so much and I feel a little like I creepy?
I just think he's cute,funny,and have suspicions about his relationship patterns. DO I STALK HIM WITH CASH???? NO!
Now seriously,tell your friend he ain't go no hair but he has a VERY nice news boy cap right now.....

am I creepy?:(

heck no! your a huge dork and you have a crazy obsession with Ben Barnes but your not creepy. When I think of creepy, I think Justin Bieiber and Michal Apted.
Oh I'm a HUGE DORK EH?:D haha ha that made me laugh.
odd thing is I don't look like one...I look like I could either beat you up or date you...of course I ATTRACT dorks..aghhh.

Its NOT an obsession. Its a fascination. A fascination is "Oh he's really talented and funny." so I go and look up as much as I can about him. IT'S HIS fault I know so much. He says he's private and I read what he gives me. WELL the silly tiny things that make me look creepy are what I want the most. LIek he may be like "AGGHAHHAHA! THEY'RE GOING TO FIND OUT WHO I'M DATING!!!" I say, "Babe,date who you want. You deserve her,and quit hitting on girls out of your league! I just wanna know what brand of underwear you wear." and without knowing,he gives me that. He wears M&S! HAHAHHAHA!
BUT an obsession would be like "I'm going to obsess over all your naked photos and LOOK for those and sneak watching all your inappropriate scens because you are OH SO sexy! and kiss your pictures and go googly eyed when I see you and stalk you down with cash and ask you questions in the street!!!!!"

Nah,I HATE seeing stuff like that,I don't go googly eyed and If I ever saw him in the street I would say "Hey Ben,how's the play? uh huh,well have a nice day." AND THAT WOULD CREEPY HIM OUT STILL! HAHAHHAHAHAHA!
I am a protecter not an affector.
Hey Benocrazynites!!!! Looky what I got for ya!!!


If I saw Ben I would be like wth you're... you're... Ben Barnes... B'jesus... you're BEN BARNES
Wow what you doing outside my house?

Shooting that fat guy on a mini bike with a tommy gun my dear....hahhahaha.

I had this super WEIRD dream last night that Ben lived next door to me and this creepy fat pedophile type guy kept trying to get in my house and he was shooting at him because he was told to make sure our house was safe while my mum was gone,but this weird blonde conservative lady kept trying to let the fat guy in and keep Ben out and when I told hazel we were like "LET US GO TO BEN'S HOUSE!!!! GAGAHAHHAHAHAHHA! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSEEEE!" We trusted a super handsome Ben with a tommy gun to protect us and our two brothers than a weird conservative lady who lets fat dudes in your house.
Oh I'm a HUGE DORK EH?:D haha ha that made me laugh.
odd thing is I don't look like one...I look like I could either beat you up or date you...of course I ATTRACT dorks..aghhh.

Its NOT an obsession. Its a fascination. A fascination is "Oh he's really talented and funny." so I go and look up as much as I can about him. IT'S HIS fault I know so much. He says he's private and I read what he gives me.

No, you aren't creepy and I don't think you're really a dork either. :) You are just very good at doing research on a subject (Ben) you care about. You find him interesting, that's not a bad thing.

And the odd thing is that he really is private, just in a very open sort of way that makes you think he isn't being so secretive. Think about it, to this day no one's really sure if he and Tamsin Egerton were really dating, though I don't think there was ever really substantial evidence to say they were. To my understanding, though I can't find the interviews right now and don't feel like looking, there was a period of time when he wasn't giving a straight answer to the question "do you have a girlfriend" in some interviews. We may know what he does when he dates, I don't think he cares about that, but I don't think he wants people to know when or who he dates and so we don't know that.

And after loooooooooooooooooooooong hours of looking I still can't find any place where he talks about what religion he is. I've heard it said that he's a Christian, but I've also heard it said that he made "a snide remark" about Christians. (which btw doesn't mean he isn't one. I have been known to do that sometimes because we Christians can be very stupid and un-Christ-like and it makes me angry. Jesus Himself said some pretty awful things about the religious people of His day. So in order for me to comment on the "snide remark" and say what it says about Ben's beliefs I would need to know what the "snide remark" was.) But as for what Ben says about his faith, well he just doesn't talk about it. He seems to be very good at dancing around the subject in interviews.

So yeah overall, I think Ben is VERY private when he wants to be and if he doesn't want you to know something then you're not gonna find out. But I think he's pretty open and doesn't mind to share most things with the general public.
No, you aren't creepy and I don't think you're really a dork either. :) You are just very good at doing research on a subject (Ben) you care about. You find him interesting, that's not a bad thing.

And the odd thing is that he really is private, just in a very open sort of way that makes you think he isn't being so secretive. Think about it, to this day no one's really sure if he and Tamsin Egerton were really dating, though I don't think there was ever really substantial evidence to say they were. To my understanding, though I can't find the interviews right now and don't feel like looking, there was a period of time when he wasn't giving a straight answer to the question "do you have a girlfriend" in some interviews. We may know what he does when he dates, I don't think he cares about that, but I don't think he wants people to know when or who he dates and so we don't know that.

And after loooooooooooooooooooooong hours of looking I still can't find any place where he talks about what religion he is. I've heard it said that he's a Christian, but I've also heard it said that he made "a snide remark" about Christians. (which btw doesn't mean he isn't one. I have been known to do that sometimes because we Christians can be very stupid and un-Christ-like and it makes me angry. Jesus Himself said some pretty awful things about the religious people of His day. So in order for me to comment on the "snide remark" and say what it says about Ben's beliefs I would need to know what the "snide remark" was.) But as for what Ben says about his faith, well he just doesn't talk about it. He seems to be very good at dancing around the subject in interviews.

So yeah overall, I think Ben is VERY private when he wants to be and if he doesn't want you to know something then you're not gonna find out. But I think he's pretty open and doesn't mind to share most things with the general public.

I wonder if he made a "snide remark" about the GO-T trend these days...hahaha. We have met some nasty "christian" people so I can see where he might be coming from. Maybe he would rather keep his beliefs to himself,which is fine.
Thing is,I don't care about his personal life. If he can even GET a date is good. I have seen many many pictures of him with totally hot girls(Megan Fox,Jessica Biel,not just as a co-star) and he's sitting there all smiling geekily and they kind of have this fake smile on like "ha ha,you're cute."
If he can ever find a woman to have a "family full of children with" unquote,then he's a lucky sucker.
I just care about the silly stuff like "What kind of underwear do you buy and what's your favorite food,and what's your favorite song",and blah blah blah,stuff He'll unwittingly tell me without intention.
BUT THATS THE STUFF that freaks my mum out and makes her think I'm creepy.
I think cosmopolitan ladies learned their lesson with him though.
They interviewed him once trying to get him to be all swarthy and tell them racy stuff (because they put bed or bedroom in every sentence) but poor darling Ben *laugh* he took that as a license to talk about his ACTUAL bed and ACTUAL bedroom.
They asked him if he had "embarrassing bedroom secrets" he told them he had a thundercats duvet,and then went on about his messy brother jack.
He's a dork alright...explains why I like him.

Nah,I am a dork. I can get called that...its CREEPY that gets me skin crawlin'...
Lol! Sorry. If you want to be a dork I'll let you. Far be it fromn me to stop you. He can keep who he dates and all that to himself as far as I'm concerned. But I do really want to know what he believes. There's a new interview with Mr. Barnes btw. There's nothing really new in it though, except he did say
I was in the band for about a fortnight. Of course I regret it. I know everyone makes mistakes, but I wish mine had been drug-fuelled rebellion rather than being in a boy band.

I find that pretty sad. lol :p
Lol! Sorry. If you want to be a dork I'll let you. Far be it fromn me to stop you. He can keep who he dates and all that to himself as far as I'm concerned. But I do really want to know what he believes. There's a new interview with Mr. Barnes btw. There's nothing really new in it though, except he did say

I find that pretty sad. lol :p

Awww that is sad. You know,being a son of a psychiatrist and then a SEX therapist,always having to ACT to keep your secrets away...poor boy. He's a bit screwy in the head. I love him for that though. He's as sweet as hell but he's crazy too...needs someone to love him.

I do have suspicions about that sort of behaviour though. You know how he's always going on about how he wants to be a rock star,and he tries to dress grungy,and he tries to be edgy and stuff....well he's just pushing something that's not him!
The REAL him is a sweet,quiet,nit picky guy who likes kids! I KNOW he likes acting...why do you think he does a good job?
I think he tries so HARD to be cool and fit in with COOL people...I can totally relate though. I am having the same problem. I am a total dork(I love doctor who,narnia,british stuff) but I try to act cool around my dad and his crowd(steam punk,punk rock,heavy metal types) but deep down inside...I don't feel like that. I get upset when I realise it,and I'm not saying this is factual but I think he might know what I'm talking about.
I would NEVER EVER think of being romantic with him as a 13 yr. old...but if I ever did get the chance to talk to him...this is what I would tell him.
Its crazy sappy but come on! he cries at "When did you last see your father" he will buy it.

I still cry over HIM sometimes....its so sad.
So I'm just filling my interests with Doctor Who right now.....
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urgh Doctor who... I hate it with a passion XD

why? It is a little creepy at times...the Idiot's Lantern was really creepy.
But I can handle the mild ones...because hey! the doctor's here to fix it!
Now lets not get into a war and settle down...but we can't really talk about Ben BECAUSE HE IS DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! AGAHAHAGHAHAHAHAH!
The only Ben thing I've done lately was print out his picture(FINALLY!) And stick it to my wall...