Benonites II

Its just not my kinda thing. I see it as a fully grown man running round opening a door with a sonic screwdriver. It just does interest me. I tried to get into it but hey I just couldn't...
Its just not my kinda thing. I see it as a fully grown man running round opening a door with a sonic screwdriver. It just does interest me. I tried to get into it but hey I just couldn't...

Hey I bought a sonic screwdriver last sunday! I use it as a flashlight though...its handy in that perspective.
I've noticed in the season I'm watching he HARDLY uses the sonic screwdriver,but David Tennant is soooo funny.
I understand if you don't like it...not everybody does. My dad thought it was whack and it is creepy at times.
Reagan wrote:
I do have suspicions about that sort of behaviour though. You know how he's always going on about how he wants to be a rock star,and he tries to dress grungy,and he tries to be edgy and stuff....well he's just pushing something that's not him!
The REAL him is a sweet,quiet,nit picky guy who likes kids! I KNOW he likes acting...why do you think he does a good job?
I think he tries so HARD to be cool and fit in with COOL people...I can totally relate though. I am having the same problem. I am a total dork(I love doctor who,narnia,british stuff) but I try to act cool around my dad and his crowd(steam punk,punk rock,heavy metal types) but deep down inside...I don't feel like that. I get upset when I realise it,and I'm not saying this is factual but I think he might know what I'm talking about.

I think that's just a part of human nature though. I think there are times when everyone no matter how amazing is just not comfortable in their own skin. I think there are times when everyone wants to be someone else. I think we all want to fit in and please certain people sometimes. It's a very sad reality. It takes time to learn where you fit in the world, but it is my personal belief that until you learn to be yourself you're robbing the world of a ver precious God-given gift. The world doesn't need another big time rock star or another cool kid on the block, the world needs you. And just one of you. No one should try to copy you and you shouldn't try to copy them. Be yourself. (omg that sounds really disney and cheesy, but I really do mean it.:p)

SammylovesNarnia1 wrote:
urgh Doctor who... I hate it with a passion XD

I've never seen Doctor Who, but I keep hearing about it.

Reagan wrote:

Not true. He's doing Birdsong. If you dig deep enough you'll find some interesting interviews/ reviews where that's concerned. Apparently within the last couple of months he's managed to crack his ribs and burn his hand badly enough to need a bandage, and still hasn't given his understudy a chance on the stage. The cracked ribs were from some kind of stunt in Birdsong and the burnt hand was from an ironing accident. I am still not sure how you would manage a burn like that from an iron...
I think that's just a part of human nature though. I think there are times when everyone no matter how amazing is just not comfortable in their own skin. I think there are times when everyone wants to be someone else. I think we all want to fit in and please certain people sometimes. It's a very sad reality. It takes time to learn where you fit in the world, but it is my personal belief that until you learn to be yourself you're robbing the world of a ver precious God-given gift. The world doesn't need another big time rock star or another cool kid on the block, the world needs you. And just one of you. No one should try to copy you and you shouldn't try to copy them. Be yourself. (omg that sounds really disney and cheesy, but I really do mean it.:p)

Not true. He's doing Birdsong. If you dig deep enough you'll find some interesting interviews/ reviews where that's concerned. Apparently within the last couple of months he's managed to crack his ribs and burn his hand badly enough to need a bandage, and still hasn't given his understudy a chance on the stage. The cracked ribs were from some kind of stunt in Birdsong and the burnt hand was from an ironing accident. I am still not sure how you would manage a burn like that from an iron...

aww cheesy peasy. He needs BOTH of us to tell him that!
I just feel like he's complaining sometimes. For some reason when I read certain things...he just sounds whiny. Even when I've watched some things he does too...but those kind of sound sarcastic,embarrassed or angry...I just pick up that vibe.

Owch? cracked ribs? burnt hand? Poor boy...he's very stubborn though. I see THAT side of that suspicious thing I found coming through. He never uses an understudy...not even in all his stunts in PC or EV or ANYTHING!
Ironing accident? Ummmm....his mum didn't teach him how to use it did she?
GET MARRIED ALREADY! SHE'LL TEACH YOU HOW TO USE ONE! You can manage that by ironing too close to your hand and being absent minded. He's absent minded,and probably burned his hand by ironing a suit or something.
Good God...I'm starting to want him to marry someone ELSE and not me. I'm just sick of waiting for it. If he's not married by the time I move over there then we're doomed....well I'm not.:D
Could you post me some links to interviews? After the DG traumatization I don't like looking him up. I just get bits and pieces as I go along. if you helop by posting what you find,I might not find him so boring anymore.
Yeah. Most of the things I find are in Birdsong reviews though. I'll post when I find something interesting and filter out the bad and the boring for ya. I made the mistake of checking his imdb page. The forum thing on there is FREAKY. You remember all that info *coughcoughyouknowwhocoughcough* was looking for in your story. The kind you warned Mr. B not to give out. Looks like someone found out most of such info. FREAKY. In case you haven't been to that place already, DON'T GO THERE!!!

Did you read the interview I posted. Besides just that quote. It's kind of interesting :)
btw I started back reading your story. I'm sorry I got soooo soooo far behind. Everything just got so hectic. Now everything's really slow. I can't really do much besides read. I've been sick for like 2 and 1/2 weeks :(
Yeah. Most of the things I find are in Birdsong reviews though. I'll post when I find something interesting and filter out the bad and the boring for ya. I made the mistake of checking his imdb page. The forum thing on there is FREAKY. You remember all that info *coughcoughyouknowwhocoughcough* was looking for in your story. The kind you warned Mr. B not to give out. Looks like someone found out most of such info. FREAKY. In case you haven't been to that place already, DON'T GO THERE!!!

Did you read the interview I posted. Besides just that quote. It's kind of interesting :)

His naked butt again or just him talking about such naughty goings-on? Cuz' far as I know,the cosmopolitan ladies never called him again. And I read that article.
I won't go there. I hate those creepy types...all they are are pervs and cougars...*yecch* No offense...well...wait can I say that?:D
Eehm. How can I put this all nice and family friendly...??? Apparently someone on imdb knows someone who knows an ex-gf of Mr. B Apparently the ex has a big mouth when it comes to umm... past slumber parties. Scary stuff.
Eehm. How can I put this all nice and family friendly...??? Apparently someone on imdb knows someone who knows an ex-gf of Mr. B Apparently the ex has a big mouth when it comes to umm... past slumber parties. Scary stuff.

Oh so THIS is the annoying girl with no taste for life? If this is REALLY an ex-girlfriend...I don't think the relationship was good. When Ben talks about what he doesn't like in a woman,he tone gets real disgusted like "ewww,oh I remember HEEEEEEER."
IF everything Ben hates in a woman is:No adventure for life,eats tons of salads and..oh what was the other thing?
Then what did this woman have eh? Pretty and good with ummm...what you said?
Oh Man....Ben...that is the WRONG way to date. Trust me,I know a TON of dudes my dad hangs out with who've gone down that path...not good.

I do trust you though....scary stuff. yecccchhh. see why that was my basis for the DFA? I'm glad Ben hates the computer,he's saving himself disgustment and heartbreak. Oh and gay jokes..poor man. They do that to him a lot.
I think it's a law. People have to make gay jokes about male celebs. But Ben pretty much begged for the gay jokes when he did that one scene in Dorian Gray. On top of that, he was in a boyband, even if it was for a short time. I feel bad about the whole "ex-gf" thing. I feel bad about all the pervs out there who creep him out. But I can't really feel bad about the gay jokes. He kind of asked for it :p

Here's a piece from a Birdsong article. Apparently I was wrong. It was a bandaged ARM. How in the world do you burn your arm while ironing??? Hmm he just said it was ironing related. He didn't say he was ironing. Maybe Jack ran him down with the iron!!! What if the poor boy's being abused??? jk :p

The pivotal character in Birdsong is that of the handsome young Englishman Stephen Wraysford, who carries the success or failure of the play on his shoulders. Faulks appears to be in no doubt that Ben Barnes is the right choice. 'It's nice to meet you at last,' he said to Ben when he first walked into the rehearsal room. 'You look exactly like the Stephen I wrote 15 years ago.' 'You could tell it was a bit odd for Sebastian,' Ben tells me. 'That felt like
a real honour and it gave me the con-fidence that I was the right person to play the part.' Initially, when I make it into Ben's dressing room, I do wonder whether he's carrying authenticity rather too far as he's nursing an
all-too-real bandaged arm. 'It's an ironing- related incident,' he reassures me.

Ben, whose dark, hawk-like features remind one of a young Keanu Reeves, is principally famous for his role as Prince Caspian in the film versions of CS Lewis's fantasy tales (the next installment, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, is out in December). But he's temporarily turned his back on the luxury trailer in favour of a four-month run playing Faulks' anti-hero. 'Birdsong is one of about three books that has ever made me cry,' he says, 'and as a twenty-something struggling young actor I thought, "If there was ever the perfect part for me, this is it." '

He made his name in the West End transfer of The History Boys, playing the charismatic Dakin, and was keen to return to the theatre. 'Stage acting demands a very different skill set. It takes more out of you.' This role is particularly gruelling as it requires Ben to be on stage for almost the entire play. He also has to age from 20 to 28, but must look older because of his harrowing experiences. 'We were looking at photographs of officers, and there was one who was commissioned at 15 and looked like a cherub-faced 13-year-old; in another taken of him three years later he looked about 45. It was terrifying,' he says.

Ben is 29 but looks far younger. It's ageing up rather than passing for 20 that he finds most difficult. 'It's mostly an attitude. Stephen turns from an optimistic young man into someone who's described as a "mad, cold-hearted devil". It's quite a dark place to put yourself in.' He likes to confound expectations, moving between theatre and film and from big blockbusters to small independent films, such as the forthcoming Killing Bono, in which he plays the music journalist Neil McCormick who was an aspiring pop star in the 1980s. 'I wear leather trousers and make an arse of myself,' he says. He has no desire to capitalise on his pin-up status. 'I would loathe to be Robert Pattinson, and I know he struggles with the attention,' he says, revealing that he was once in the running for Pattinson's role as Edward Cullen in Twilight. 'The director announced that it was Robert or me… I'm slightly relieved it was him.'

Ben is dreamy,' says Genevieve O'Reilly, 33, who plays his love interest Isabelle. 'It's really easy to rock up to work every day and find Ben attractive. There's little acting involved.' The feeling seems to be mutual: Ben is rhapsodic about the 'velvety texture' to Genevieve's voice, which is Irish overlaid with a hint of Adelaide, where she grew up from the age of ten.

That was most of the stuff regarding Ben. The whole thing can be found here
MMmmmmm I sense romance between the two....ahhh maybe this is it for him.
OMG HE HATES PATTINSON TOO! Or at least would hate to BE him....hahahha my book is accurate yet ONCE AGAIN!

About the ironing,here is an all too possible theory: Ben was ironing something,and he dropped the spray bottle. He bent over under the board to get it and didn't judge the distance when he got back up,knocking over the board,causing the iron to fall on his arm and burn it.
OR one of the costume ladies was running with the iron, and bumped into him because she wasn't looking.Or maybe Jack did it while Ben was trying to get his attention,you know how people fling things at you absentmindedly.
If we ever get married,I WILL BE DOING THE IRONING! I hate it...but I'm safer at it.
I keep finding reviews where they say the romance in the first act of the play isn't quite right. Like it's lacking in chemistry. I wonder if the whole "she's married" thing has anything to do with it. Maybe her hubby is in the audience every night, which I can see making it a little harder to act.

Oh Okay....I thought she was single.
I think doing TWO projects involving affairs in a traumatic sort of way would teach him a lesson right? I mean if he gets so "in the zone" with his acting and feels what kind of emotional pain that brings...I don't think he'd want to face that in reality.
He IS better than that.

about the gay jokes though...umm they just suspect that. and those suspicions were made LONG before DG. AFTER that,yeah well he asked for it.

You're not off subject sammi! If it rules..........DECLARE IT!!!!!
i hope not i hope he gets better soon :)

i hope that ben gets better soon i hope his ribs heal real good and his burn heals too i pray that the Lord will heal him so he can continue in the play, brings in more thanksgiving decorations, more pumpkins with little gems glued on them, a corn husk filled with straw and glitter on it
How's Ben? Is he still hurt?:(

idk. I don't know the dates on those interviews and such. The play has been running since September, so the injuries might not be too recent. I'd say he wasn't hurt too terribly since he kept going with the play instead of calling the understudy. I am beginning to wonder if he's slightly accident prone though...