Best creature

Who was the best narnia creature?

  • Centaur

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Griffon

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Aslan

    Votes: 22 45.8%
  • Boogle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harpie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Minotaur

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Cyclops

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Faun

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Werewolf

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Dwarf

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dud mr. beaver was SO perfect. With his accent and everything!!! I can't believe we left them out!!!
in any case I voted for the fauns. Tumnus ROCKS!!!
WillsGirl said:
Dud mr. beaver was SO perfect. With his accent and everything!!! I can't believe we left them out!!!
in any case I voted for the fauns. Tumnus ROCKS!!!

Hey, did anyone think that a couple of times Mr. Beaver sounded a lot like Hagrid :confused:
I didn't because I am like the opposite of an HP WD fan but that's okay. Dude I loved mr. beaver!!!! He was SO funny!!!!
I vote for mr. beaver!!!!!!!!!!!1
No i dont think he sounded like Hagrid
As you well know i Hate Harry Potter the books/movies(and everything about it:p, no ofence to fans:p) but i will say i have seen the first one and know what Hagrids voice sounds like, i my opinion Mr.Beaver didnt sound like Hagrid, but i can see where your coming from, really, in a way it could sound like that dude.
i think that sometimes he did. I loved Mrs. Beaver too. she was sooooooooo like us women, how we are always worried about how our hair or as she says "fur" is or how we look!!! hehhehehehehhehehe I LOVED the beavers but i voted for the faun because i love tumnis, even though he isn't cute in real life to me. He is cuter as a faun!! :)
you had to be listening REALLY hard to hear hagrid's voice in mr. beaver....personally, i am a half and half hp fan. somedays i like the books, and other times i hate them and feel like i should not be reading them. It is really hard to know, as a christian, if it is totally wrong.....but most people who HATE hp haven't read the books. The books are good-most of them- but back to CON.......eheheheheh
longliveaslan said:
yea out of those - aslan - by far!! but besides him - i LOVED the unicorn!!!! soooooooooo pretty! did you know his name is george?! LOL :p

How did you get that? :p

But yeah, i thought the unicorn was awesome, you couldn't tell it was just a horse with a .... stick on its forehead ^_^;;
she-elfwarrior19 said:
Was it mentioned in the Companion?I remember its in one of the movie books i have that they say his real name.

I don't think it was in the movie companion. It probably wasn't because they wouldn't feature something about an animal they only made one of. They had a section on centaurs, but they had lots of them.

Wait, i know in one part they talked about Skandars horse and how they couldnt use it after some shots because it was too wild and competitive. they might've mentioned wills horse but i dont remember it :confused: :eek: :p :)

EDIT: this is my 300th POST!!
she-elfwarrior19 said:
Actually it might have been the book "Cameras in Narnia" which i have, it might have been that one.

what's that book like? Because I was thinking of spending the last of my xmas money with it. I'll end up buying it anyway because I WANT TO KNOW ALL ABOUT NARNIA and I want most of the memorabilia.
she-elfwarrior19 said:
Its ok, i thikn the best thing about the bok is the pictures, i got bored reading about the cameras:p :eek:

HEHE yeah I LOVE THE PICTURES in the illustrated movie companion. But if i got it, I'd read it all, because yeah. That's what happened with the I.M.C I've read every....single....word in that whole book...well not like the publishing info but yeah ^_^
I got bored with the camera parts too at first. But I made myself go back and read them and if you stick with it there are some little tidbits about the cast still in there. Not much but a little.