Bibliophile Guild

Sir Godfrey

Pelegrin Crucis
There are those that dost read, and then there are those that read to breath. For some a book is a mere collection of papers pressed together between two covers, for others it is portal to other worlds, periods, and places. For some it is an obession, a desire to horde countless pieces of literature within their libraries. These literary zealots seek to preserve and collect a diversity of works. I am proudly one of these people, I build my library each week, adding a classic or two, a history, biography, and the occasional fiction. I am a bibliophil. For those with same passion, welcome to your sanctum. :D
Brilliant, Jeff!
I am here! Tis a passion of mine! (Another thing in common ;) )
I am trying to build my library for my future home...slowly but surely. :)
I have a ton of books, but finances kind of have kept me from buying new ones. When I find a good deal/good book, I grab it. I'm very proud of the books I own or have been given. :D
*raises paw* I do believe I fit into the catagory of a "book lover" (or bibliophile which, in Greek, means "book lover" :D). I got a bookshelf last year for my birthday (I needed one badly) and its already starting to overflow.:D I love getting books and own quite a few (over 100 that I own, not that are in my house ;)) and when I was asked what I wanted for my birthday I ran down a long line of books. haha.
I love books! I even love to smell their pages. :D And it galls me when people lay them down open, with the covers facing up. I own numerous books, and my sister has even more. When I go off to live on my own, I shall have to pursue for myself numerous works which my family owns but I don't. xP

I am very fortunate to live near a library. My sister and I volunteer there every Friday. It is so much fun! Our library has lots of the kinds of books we like to read, and I consider myself lucky to be able to borrow them before purchasing them.

Do any of you guys have a goodreads account, by the way? :) If you do, and would like to be my friend there, PM me your username and I will friend you.
I Suffer from this and being a movie lover. I have over 400 volumes in both English and German taking over one side of my room and my 200+ movie collection taking over the other side. I imagine there will be war between them once space become scarce.
I strongly suggest those who are Bibliophils get a Goodreads account. You can keep track of what you read, want to read, and are reading.
There is a link on my siggy to my Goodreads account, of anybody is curious of what it looks like.
Those who like film, there is also a link to most of my movie collection and my extensive wish-list.
I Suffer from this and being a movie lover. I have over 400 volumes in both English and German taking over one side of my room and my 200+ movie collection taking over the other side. I imagine there will be war between them once space become scarce.

Do you like, own a library or something?!?:eek: You still have space in your room with over 400 books /and/ 200 movies?!? My room would be covered with them by then! I would have to climb over them to get to my bed!

When I get older I want to turn one of our old rooms or buildings or something into a little library though. hehe.;)
Welcome my fellow Bibliophils, here tis thy haven. Ye are safe from scrutiny and judgement in this place of refuge. :D

I have confession to make: I didst purchase two books today. I bought the 75th Anniversary edition of Gone With the Wind and Saint Joan by Benard Shaw. :)
I breathe to read! I love books, and I can't go anywhere without them.

"But we're just going to the drive through for a late night snack!"

"So? You never know what could happen!"
I breathe to read! I love books, and I can't go anywhere without them.

"But we're just going to the drive through for a late night snack!"

"So? You never know what could happen!"

I'm like that too. :D I rarely go anywhere without a journal and a book. Thus, I have this rule when shopping for a purse:

It must either be so small that it will only hold what is absolutely necessary, or it must be big enough to hold a journal and book.

(Of course, it needs to look reasonable too... that is the main criteria, I guess. :p)
Definitely not. But it would also nicely solve the problem of "which book do I bring????" which can be a very daunting question when you're reading ten different books at a time.
I agree with thee, there tis nothing quite like a hardcopy. However, when you travel it tis convinant to have Nook or Kindle with the many novels you are or intend to read. I feart however the future, what happens when everyone has Nook and Kindle, and they no longer desire to frequent book stores like Borders or Barnes & Noble?
Definitely not. But it would also nicely solve the problem of "which book do I bring????" which can be a very daunting question when you're reading ten different books at a time.
Oh, yes! That would help a lot!

Some homeschool friends of mine have a kindle which they use to read school stuff. I think it's very clever because then they can read literature and stuff when they're on the go without lugging a bunch of heavy schoolbooks along.
Do you like, own a library or something?!?:eek: You still have space in your room with over 400 books /and/ 200 movies?!? My room would be covered with them by then! I would have to climb over them to get to my bed!

When I get older I want to turn one of our old rooms or buildings or something into a little library though. hehe.;)
the room is a bit crowded, however it was originally the Master bedroom when the house was built (they has been a few remodeling since, so My parents have the master bedroom of their own).

Confession: Put me in Barnes and Noble and leave me for a month...I won't notice you gone! ;)
My Mom refuses to take me their because it takes an hour for me to leave, and I rarely come out under $ 30