Bibliophile Guild

the room is a bit crowded, however it was originally the Master bedroom when the house was built (they has been a few remodeling since, so My parents have the master bedroom of their own).

My Mom refuses to take me their because it takes an hour for me to leave, and I rarely come out under $ 30

I oft have to frequent B&N alone, for I dost spend roughly two hours there with each visit. I also seldom leave without spending over $30. XD
I strongly feel that nothing beats holding a book in your hands. I'm not totally against electronic reading, but it's just not as good! :p

I don't want hardcopy books to go away. In my opinion, technology has overwhelmed kids in this country (and adults too) to the point where they can't exist without it.

And I can't go into any bookstore...I often come out disappointed since I can't buy anything.
I strongly feel that nothing beats holding a book in your hands. I'm not totally against electronic reading, but it's just not as good!

I wholeheartedly agree!:D My parents and I sometimes worry that electrionic devices that you can read books on will someday make normal books rare. That's why we'll by books every once and awhile, so we make sure we have some if that ever happens.:D

If you set me loose in a book store (my favorite is Borders, but they closed the one that was nearest to me.:mad:) with oh, say a couple hundred dollars, I'd probably come out a few hours later with enough books to fill a car. xD If you set me loose in a library and leave me there you may never see me again.... haha.
Normally when we go to a bookstore I have somewhere between 8-20 dollars and I end up buying one or two books that I am very pleased with. Sometimes if I find a good deal I'll buy more though.:D
I believe all of the Borders stores had to close down because of bankruptcy. I never liked Borders to begin with; to me their prices were too high for books.

But anyway, I hate my town library. Frankly the only decent books they have are all Christian fiction, and those get really old after a while.
Add me to your ranks of bibliophiles.
Sadly, though, I am gleaning through my shelves now though because we are moving house soon and I can only take those books I really want to keep to read/re-read. So I will be giving many friends to the library book-sale bins... >sigh<
Add me to your ranks of bibliophiles.
Sadly, though, I am gleaning through my shelves now though because we are moving house soon and I can only take those books I really want to keep to read/re-read. So I will be giving many friends to the library book-sale bins... >sigh<

It must be agonizing to relinquish cherished books from thy library. This tis when eReader wouldst come in handy, then thou would not have to part with any. :)
I believe all of the Borders stores had to close down because of bankruptcy. I never liked Borders to begin with; to me their prices were too high for books.

But anyway, I hate my town library. Frankly the only decent books they have are all Christian fiction, and those get really old after a while.

Really? I love Borders! As a member, I get a 30% off discount every once in a while, which helps. Also, I get gift cards for that store, which helps. :rolleyes:

Amazon usually has great prices, but of course, shopping online doesn't have the same charm as going to a bookstore. ;)

Oh, Benisse, how awful to have to get rid of so many of your books! :( My family has never moved before, so I've never experienced anything like that. It must be really hard. Perhaps it's just me, but I get sentimentally attached to favorite books. Even if it were available at a local library, I would still want to keep my own copy because of the memories attached to it.
Really? I love Borders! As a member, I get a 30% off discount every once in a while, which helps. Also, I get gift cards for that store, which helps. :rolleyes:

Amazon usually has great prices, but of course, shopping online doesn't have the same charm as going to a bookstore. ;)

Oh, Benisse, how awful to have to get rid of so many of your books! :( My family has never moved before, so I've never experienced anything like that. It must be really hard. Perhaps it's just me, but I get sentimentally attached to favorite books. Even if it were available at a local library, I would still want to keep my own copy because of the memories attached to it.

I got a gift card about a year ago for my birthday to Border's, and ended up having to cover the rest of the book's price myself because the book was so expensive. I can find the same books cheaper on either or on hastings website (HPB is actually a pretty good site).
I got a gift card about a year ago for my birthday to Border's, and ended up having to cover the rest of the book's price myself because the book was so expensive. I can find the same books cheaper on either or on hastings website (HPB is actually a pretty good site).
Oh, that's a shame!
I'll have to try out that site sometime. I'd never heard of it before!
I got a gift card about a year ago for my birthday to Border's, and ended up having to cover the rest of the book's price myself because the book was so expensive. I can find the same books cheaper on either or on hastings website (HPB is actually a pretty good site).

Wow, that wasn't at all like the Borders I went to! They had sales all the time and normally the books I liked were only about 6-16 dollars or so. The sets of books were more expensive, as were the hardcover and new books, but that was to be expected.

I never want to have to give away/get rid of any of my books for any reason. When I go to college I'll probably take alot of books with me even, or just my bookshelf. haha....
My cousin gave me alot of her Redwall books recently and I found myself wondering, "How on earth can you give up some of your books! Even if its to me, your cousin!" it was certianly something I couldn't imagine doing.
I prefer to opt for a more expensive editions of literature, for thou it dost effect my pocket book, Shan't have to replace the books in near future. I love B&N's leatherbound editions of classics. I recently purchased the leather Jane Eyre for $15! :)
I prefer to opt for a more expensive editions of literature, for thou it dost effect my pocket book, Shan't have to replace the books in near future. I love B&N's leatherbound editions of classics. I recently purchased the leather Jane Eyre for $15! :)

In my opinion, if you treat your books right you shouldn't ever have to replace them- unless of course something happens to them like they burn in a house fire or get swept away in a tornado or something, or they are just very, very, *ahem* well loved, should I say? haha... (I have a couple of books like that...)

I didn't know you could get leatherbound books... I'll have to look into that...:D
I've never replaced a book. Once my mom lent out our Beatrix Potter treasury, and the people spilled hot chocolate on a page. They were very kind and bought a new copy for us. My mom was appreciative, but I cried. xD Even though it was the same edition and everything, it wasn't the same to me without the memories of what page was bent when, etc.

All that to say: I don't like replacing books, and am sentimentally crazy. :p
In my opinion, if you treat your books right you shouldn't ever have to replace them- unless of course something happens to them like they burn in a house fire or get swept away in a tornado or something, or they are just very, very, *ahem* well loved, should I say? haha... (I have a couple of books like that...)

I didn't know you could get leatherbound books... I'll have to look into that...:D

I dost keep my library in impecable, nay prestine condition. However, soft cover books do ware and tare from just reading them. :)
Anna, I agree, B&N is the best place to be in the WORLD!!!! Give me a million $$$ and a month and i still won't want to leave...;)
I dost keep my library in impecable, nay prestine condition. However, soft cover books do ware and tare from just reading them. :)

True. Like I said I have some books like that. Except one. There is one softcover book that will never show signs of wear and tear no matter what you do to it (or so it seems) and its my "Warriors: Forest of Secrets" book. I've had it since I was like 8-9 probably and the only way you can tell I've had it for that long is if you look at the tops of the pages, which are slightly tanned. Besides that, if you saw it you would think it was brand new. haha.:D
I dost keep my library in impecable, nay prestine condition. However, soft cover books do ware and tare from just reading them. :)
Same here, I don't loan books out wither because they always come back in such disrepair! Paperbacks I try to keep crease free, but well liked ones tend to wear out a bit and vintage paperbacks have a bad habit of crumbling.
I oft purchase duplicate copies of my favorite works. Examples: Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Arthurian Legends, and etc. :)
I so the same, I've got several copies of the Alice books and multiple editions of Hardy and Nancy Drew books. Some are nicely preserved Vintage books, while others (like my 1937 copy of Uncle Remus Stories) are somewhat fragile. A modern copy allows me to bring it around without damage to the original. Sadly my 1959 movie edition of Ben-Hur: A Tale of Christ, has gotten a terrible beating from being dragged around. :(
Same here, I don't loan books out wither because they always come back in such disrepair! Paperbacks I try to keep crease free, but well liked ones tend to wear out a bit and vintage paperbacks have a bad habit of crumbling.
I so the same, I've got several copies of the Alice books and multiple editions of Hardy and Nancy Drew books. Some are nicely preserved Vintage books, while others (like my 1937 copy of Uncle Remus Stories) are somewhat fragile. A modern copy allows me to bring it around without damage to the original. Sadly my 1959 movie edition of Ben-Hur: A Tale of Christ, has gotten a terrible beating from being dragged around. :(

It tis quite difficult to preserve masterful works. I hath endeavored with my revenues to preserve the classics in leather or hard bound copies. These I dost leave touch free or in their plastic wrapping. I then read the paperback copies or digital versions. I intend to pass certain tales from generation to genertation D.V.
SIGN ME UP! Book-Gobbler coming!
I have around 400 books (yeah, I'm bragging now) in my room. There's not enough shelves, so the books are everywhere-I have to jump over a pile just to get to my bed. Not to mention I can't open my window, because there's a row of hardbacks standing guard. It's kind of hectic at times.

Usually I don't have money to go to big bookstores (like Empik, which is basically like Barnes & Noble), so I hang around second-hands or bazaars. And I try to haggle, and most of the time it's fun. The bad thing about buying at those places? You can get cheated, or the books will be in real bad shape. And most of the time, there aren't too many "new" books, so it's pretty slow sometimes. Good thing about buying in those places? Cheap, you can find rare books, and there's no annoying salespeople who, when they see me, a thirteen-year-old girl, immediately go "OH! Have we the thing for you!" and wave the Twilight Saga in front of my face. :rolleyes:
I miss the American garage sales, where I could get paperbacks for 25 cents. *sniff* I'm going to the U.S. this summer though!

At school the kids swap or lend books from each other a lot. They can be extremely picky however... And I agree with you guys, leather-bound books last so much longer. I'd have to literally stab the thing with a knife a dozen times to actually make a MARK. Let alone get to the book cover. I've never replaced a book, mainly because the ones that need replacing are in english, which is hard to get here. Take for example, my copy of The Return Of The King, from 1967. The pages are falling out and it looks like they're yellowing, and the cover fell off a long time ago. But there's nothing Superglue can't fix, right?
(Nah. I'm sort of hoping to take it to a bookbinder sometime, if I ever scrape the cash together.)
I don't like giving away any of my books either. I still think they're alive! Like in Inkheart, that they whisper their stories at night. Yeah, I have an overactive imagination, according to my mama. I'm also sentimentally crazy sometimes, but that's a different story...

Whew, long post. What do you people think of this Kindle thingamajig that's shown up? I don't trust it. Carrying books around in a tiny hunk of plastic saves space, but it's definitely not the same. I like feeling the pages beneath my fingers, the letters dancing across the page. Not some automatic voice reading aloud. *shudder*