Black Cloak vs Dead Rain

it all depends on who ate the rubber banana. if it was a rubber banana monkey then it'd leave no rubber slime to make a rubber banana peel slippery...if it was a plastic don't wanna know. if it was a plastic human, of course it'd be slippery because plastic humans are sliiiimmmeeeeyyyyyyyyyy and gross. if it was a plastic apple then...maybe depending on the kind of plastic apple. if it was a black hole then there'd obviously be no peel at all, only the stub. if it was a plastic tree then it'd leave a red residue that'd make people have super powers like being able to climb inside trees. if it was a plastic rabbit then it'd leave a BLUE residue that'd give people the ability to eat lampposts. if it was a plastic car that ate the plastic abanana then i'td leave a GREEN residue that make people want to eat beans. if it was a plastic gerble that ate the plastic banana then it'd leave a polka dotted residue that'd make people see purple hippos. if it was a plastic bag that ate the plastic banana then it'd leave mud. if it was a plastic trash can that doesn't know anything because it's not shiny then it'd leave a pink residue that gives people cooties and then we wouldn't be able to use cheeze wiz to kill people or express the awesomeness of cheese. if it was a plastic pillow that ate the plastic banana then it'd leave a striped residue that'd make people turn into circles. if it was a plastic camera that ate the plastic banana then it'd leave behind something white and fuzzy. if it was a plastic shoe that ate the plastic banana then it'd leave behind something like a cactus because cactuses are their best friends. if -*gets docked with a frog*