Book Suggestions


New member
I just wanted to suggest a few books. If anyone has read them please let me know what you think, as they are some of my favs and I would love to discuss them.

Crown Duel/Court Duel by Sherwood Smith
Hollow Kingdom Series by Clare Dunkle (I've only read Hollow Kingdom and Close Kin.)
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman/The Angels Command by Brian Jacques
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (I know, everone knows it! I still wanna talk about it!)
Jane Austen (Emma, P&P, Sense & Sensibility)
Ummmmmm................ I think thats about it..... Lemme know! :D
What? No Jane Eyre, no Wuthering Heights? They are the quinticential gothic tales. And how about throwing in Great Expectations?
Chakal said:
What? No Jane Eyre, no Wuthering Heights? They are the quinticential gothic tales. And how about throwing in Great Expectations?

love wuthering Heights!
ive read Castaways and Little Women

i suggest "snow queen", for fantasy
and "sybil", its a novel, about a woman who has a multiple personality and yet she doesnt know it.
Cereniel said:
I just wanted to suggest a few books. If anyone has read them please let me know what you think, as they are some of my favs and I would love to discuss them.

Crown Duel/Court Duel by Sherwood Smith
Hollow Kingdom Series by Clare Dunkle (I've only read Hollow Kingdom and Close Kin.)
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman/The Angels Command by Brian Jacques
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (I know, everone knows it! I still wanna talk about it!)
Jane Austen (Emma, P&P, Sense & Sensibility)
Ummmmmm................ I think thats about it..... Lemme know! :D

OMG I love P&P! actually we're watching the A&E version right now!!! LOL! I'm just taking a break from the 5 hours!!! I'm also reading a book about it, too called "Dating Mr. Darcy!" It's really good!
Some other really good books are:

Princess Nevermore
LotR Trilogy (DUH)
The Giver
Tuck Everlasting

Please tell me if you've read any of them! For I also would love to talk about them! I love books!
The Water is Wide is an excellent book by Pat Conroy, based on a year he spent teaching at a small school. Very, very good, kind of sad, but good.

For a good fantasy book I suggest David Clemens-Davies book The Sight. A fantasy where wolves are not shown in a negative light.
Chakal said:
What? No Jane Eyre, no Wuthering Heights? They are the quinticential gothic tales. And how about throwing in Great Expectations?
nope, sorry Chakal. I did read Great Expectations once, but it wasn't the real one. It was one of those children's adaptations.
glamel said:
love wuthering Heights!
ive read Castaways and Little Women

i suggest "snow queen", for fantasy
and "sybil", its a novel, about a woman who has a multiple personality and yet she doesnt know it.
Thanks! I'll look those up. Maybe we have them at school.....
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
OMG I love P&P! actually we're watching the A&E version right now!!! LOL! I'm just taking a break from the 5 hours!!! I'm also reading a book about it, too called "Dating Mr. Darcy!" It's really good!
LOL! Mr. Darcy is cool! I wanna see the new movie really badly!
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
Some other really good books are:

Princess Nevermore
LotR Trilogy (DUH)
The Giver
Tuck Everlasting

Please tell me if you've read any of them! For I also would love to talk about them! I love books!
I haven't read the first one or the last one. I've read LotR twice, I love it. We had to read the giver in seventh grade. I didn't really care for it.... ::dodges flying objects:: Yipes! Let me rephrase! The book was good, but the ending dissapointed me.
Kitanna said:
The Water is Wide is an excellent book by Pat Conroy, based on a year he spent teaching at a small school. Very, very good, kind of sad, but good.

For a good fantasy book I suggest David Clemens-Davies book The Sight. A fantasy where wolves are not shown in a negative light.
Thanks! I'll look those up too! I love wolves, so I'm glad to see them being treated as good guys! :)
Cereniel said:
LOL! Mr. Darcy is cool! I wanna see the new movie really badly!

I'd suggest the A&E version. I didn't see the newest one yet, but I've heard alot of it from my friends! But the A&E one is exactly like the book! And I like when they are true to the book!!!
Cereniel said:
I haven't read the first one or the last one. I've read LotR twice, I love it. We had to read the giver in seventh grade. I didn't really care for it.... ::dodges flying objects:: Yipes! Let me rephrase! The book was good, but the ending dissapointed me.

Yea that's what my sister thinks! I stayed up to 3am trying to finish it, cause I just couldn't put it down! It made my cry though, mor like ball! It was just so sad, all of the books I have listed made me cry! What can I say I'm just a drama queen!
If you want fantasy, then I would suggest Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun, Piers Anthony’s Xanth series, and numerous authors - Guy Gavriel Kay, Anne McCaffrey (Pern), Marion Zimmer Bradley (Darkover), Mercedes Lackey, Katherine Kerr, Freda Warrington, Robert E. Howard (Conan), Melanie Rawn, Ursula LeGuin (Left Hand of Darkness in particular is excellent), David Eddings and Raymond E. Feist among many others, and possibly Michael Moorcock (he tends to get a little purple for my tastes, though still enjoyable). Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy is one I assume most people on here have read, but if not, then thats another enjoyable option.

In more literary realms, the obvious choices are Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Joseph Heller’s Catch 22, George Orwell’s 1984, Zola’s Germinal, Stendhal’s Scarlet and Black, various by Dickens (such as the aforementioned Great Expectations), Angela Carter's The Magic Toyshop, Terry Pratchett's Mort, Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queen, Thomas Malory's Morte D’Arthur, and well-known classics like Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Homer’s (though there is still academic debate whether or not he existed) The Iliad and The Odyssey, Virgil’s The Aeneid and Dante’s Inferno from The Divine Comedy (I don’t like Paradiso or Purgatorio much, as Dante got too preachy for me then, though to be fair that is rather the point). At least, that will do for a start. :)
Actually, I'm homeschool and I'm taking a extra class at a co-op that's called "Ancient Literature" and we are using Shakespear, King Auther, The Lord of the Rings, The Illiad, The Odessey, Beuwolf and many others! It's really fun! It's challenging! But I enjoy a good challenge! It's very interesting! So I love fantasy! I am getting to read "Ink Heart" I don't know if any of you have read it, butI would like to know if it is good!! Thanks!
Lady Leawyn :)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Dirk Gently's Holistic Dectective Agency by Douglas Adams
Two of the greatest humor series ever written.
Kitanna said:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Dirk Gently's Holistic Dectective Agency by Douglas Adams
Two of the greatest humor series ever written.

I've heard alot of people say good things about the first one. It sounds really good. But I've never heard of the second one! :confused:
I meant to add this one before as a funny book, but it totally blew my mind. Naked Pictures of Famous People by Jon Stewart, one of the funniest books I have ever read.
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slideyfoot said:
If you want fantasy, then I would suggest Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun, Piers Anthony’s Xanth series, and numerous authors - Guy Gavriel Kay, Anne McCaffrey (Pern), Marion Zimmer Bradley (Darkover), Mercedes Lackey, Katherine Kerr, Freda Warrington, Robert E. Howard (Conan), Melanie Rawn, Ursula LeGuin (Left Hand of Darkness in particular is excellent), David Eddings and Raymond E. Feist among many others, and possibly Michael Moorcock (he tends to get a little purple for my tastes, though still enjoyable). Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy is one I assume most people on here have read, but if not, then thats another enjoyable option.

In more literary realms, the obvious choices are Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Joseph Heller’s Catch 22, George Orwell’s 1984, Zola’s Germinal, Stendhal’s Scarlet and Black, various by Dickens (such as the aforementioned Great Expectations), Angela Carter's The Magic Toyshop, Terry Pratchett's Mort, Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queen, Thomas Malory's Morte D’Arthur, and well-known classics like Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Homer’s (though there is still academic debate whether or not he existed) The Iliad and The Odyssey, Virgil’s The Aeneid and Dante’s Inferno from The Divine Comedy (I don’t like Paradiso or Purgatorio much, as Dante got too preachy for me then, though to be fair that is rather the point). At least, that will do for a start. :)
Wow......Thats alot of books! Yay, books books books!
I LOVE fantasy! I've read some of Xanth (little too risque for me), some of Pern, and some of LeGruin's work (Wizard of Earthsea and another I can't recall. The one where the Priestess girl and the wizard are trying to escapet through the catacombs.) I'm not sure what you mean by things getting purple.
I recognise alot of these titles in the second paragraph. Esp. Mort D'Arthur and The Faerie Queen. Many of them are on my list of "read these you ignoramus!" books. One I didn't see that I have read and think should be there is The Once and Future King by TH White. Very good book.... I've read portions of Illiad and Odessy, what was in our Lit books. My Best friend had to read The Divine Comedy for school. I really do intend to start reading all the old books like this. someday......
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
Actually, I'm homeschool and I'm taking a extra class at a co-op that's called "Ancient Literature" and we are using Shakespear, King Auther, The Lord of the Rings, The Illiad, The Odessey, Beuwolf and many others! It's really fun! It's challenging! But I enjoy a good challenge! It's very interesting! So I love fantasy! I am getting to read "Ink Heart" I don't know if any of you have read it, butI would like to know if it is good!! Thanks!
Lady Leawyn :)
I own a hardback of Inkheart. It's very good. There is a sequel, I think it's called somthingother tounge? Not sure.