Book Suggestions

Kitanna said:
I meant to add this one before as a funny book, but it totally blew my mind. Naked Pictures of Famous People by Jon Stewart, one of the funniest books I have ever read.
Sounds slightly frightening.... ;)
Cereniel said:
Wow......Thats alot of books! Yay, books books books!

I read a lot of them during my undergraduate degree, though I was geeky enough to read some of them purely out of pleasure - Mort D'Arthur and The Faerie Queen, for example, might well be books you'd enjoy if you liked Narnia (I imagine Lewis, considering his academic area, had the former vaguely in mind whilst writing). I'd concur with the TH White (though I must admit, I only read the first one , and a couple of extracts of the latter for essays :) ), and I'd add an American - Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court. In the final year of my BA, I did a module on Arthurian literature, and Twain's book was probably the most enjoyable text out of all of them.

Recently, I've been dipping into the Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman collaboration from about 15 years ago, Good Omens, which from what I've read so far, I'd also definitely recommend.

You find Xanth risque? Interesting - that never occurred to me, and I've been reading them since I was about 12, I think. Maybe I just didn't notice it at the time... :p
Cereniel said:
Wow......Thats alot of books! Yay, books books books!
I LOVE fantasy! I've read some of Xanth (little too risque for me), some of Pern, and some of LeGruin's work (Wizard of Earthsea and another I can't recall. The one where the Priestess girl and the wizard are trying to escapet through the catacombs.) I'm not sure what you mean by things getting purple.
I recognise alot of these titles in the second paragraph. Esp. Mort D'Arthur and The Faerie Queen. Many of them are on my list of "read these you ignoramus!" books. One I didn't see that I have read and think should be there is The Once and Future King by TH White. Very good book.... I've read portions of Illiad and Odessy, what was in our Lit books. My Best friend had to read The Divine Comedy for school. I really do intend to start reading all the old books like this. someday......

If you like those, you should read "Bewulf" It's an amazing book!
Cereniel said:
I own a hardback of Inkheart. It's very good. There is a sequel, I think it's called somthingother tounge? Not sure.

Thanks!!! :)
LOL! I made a list of all the books an authors people have suggested. So far I have 35 (books and authors) and will add more as people suggest them. If anybody wants it, I can e-mail it to you.
If you haven't checked it out already, I would highly recommend the Project Gutenberg site. Lots of full-text classics available for download, if you don't mind reading off a screen. Bartleby is another one - these sites have been a great help throughout my studies. :D
slideyfoot said:
If you haven't checked it out already, I would highly recommend the Project Gutenberg site. Lots of full-text classics available for download, if you don't mind reading off a screen. Bartleby is another one - these sites have been a great help throughout my studies. :D
Thanks slideyfoot! I'll check it out for titles to look up, but reading alot on the computer hurts my eyes. :(
Cereniel said:
LOL! I made a list of all the books an authors people have suggested. So far I have 35 (books and authors) and will add more as people suggest them. If anybody wants it, I can e-mail it to you.

I'll take it!!! :) I always like hearing other's opions, even if I don't egree with them!
slideyfoot said:
I read a lot of them during my undergraduate degree, though I was geeky enough to read some of them purely out of pleasure - Mort D'Arthur and The Faerie Queen, for example, might well be books you'd enjoy if you liked Narnia (I imagine Lewis, considering his academic area, had the former vaguely in mind whilst writing). I'd concur with the TH White (though I must admit, I only read the first one , and a couple of extracts of the latter for essays :) ), and I'd add an American - Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court. In the final year of my BA, I did a module on Arthurian literature, and Twain's book was probably the most enjoyable text out of all of them.

Recently, I've been dipping into the Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman collaboration from about 15 years ago, Good Omens, which from what I've read so far, I'd also definitely recommend.

You find Xanth risque? Interesting - that never occurred to me, and I've been reading them since I was about 12, I think. Maybe I just didn't notice it at the time... :p
I read Xanth at about that age too. I only read one though. Castle Roogna I think it was called?....
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
If you like those, you should read "Bewulf" It's an amazing book!
I've been meaning to.... See, I heard tell that they were making a movie of it starring Gerard Butler ,*swoon*, and I always like to read a book before I see the movie. Makes it more enjoyable. You'll forgive me if I admit that, though I do want to read it for academic and enjoyment reasons, the driving force is my desire to see Gerard Butler in period dress. ;)
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
I'll take it!!! :) I always like hearing other's opions, even if I don't egree with them!
it won't letme copy and paste the book list to a pm, so if you want to pm me your e-mail, i'll send it to ya! :)
Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf said:
Some other really good books are:

Princess Nevermore
LotR Trilogy (DUH)
The Giver
Tuck Everlasting

Please tell me if you've read any of them! For I also would love to talk about them! I love books!

I've read and finished all except LotR. i know, it's hard to believe. I actually like Tolkein's writing and am trying to get myself through the trilogy and the hobbit. heehee, i have Princess Nevermore and Tuck Everlasting. I really liked the Giver. Very interesting. I heard that they were making it into a movie. not sure about that info though......
i have a list too!

i have a huge list
the frog princess
dragon's breath
once upon a curse ................... E. D. Baker
East................... edith pattou
the blue sword
the hero's crown
rose daughter.............. robin mckinley
the ropemaker............peter dickinson
tamsin............. peter s beagle
eragon ............ christopher paolini

and that is just a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way i think pride and prejudice is soooo good
ChildOfAslan7 said:
I've read and finished all except LotR. i know, it's hard to believe. I actually like Tolkein's writing and am trying to get myself through the trilogy and the hobbit. heehee, i have Princess Nevermore and Tuck Everlasting. I really liked the Giver. Very interesting. I heard that they were making it into a movie. not sure about that info though......

I didn't know that! I also have a book to add to the list! 'Inkheart' is the title!!! It's an amazing book, I just started it on Tuesday, and I'm 1/2 way finished, and it's 550! That's fast for me!!!! New Line is making Inkheart into a movie!!
Cereniel said:
I just wanted to suggest a few books. If anyone has read them please let me know what you think, as they are some of my favs and I would love to discuss them.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott (I know, everone knows it! I still wanna talk about it!)
Jane Austen (Emma, P&P, Sense & Sensibility)
Ummmmmm................ I think thats about it..... Lemme know! :D

I love Pride and Prejudice! And the Greer Garson classic film, the A&E 5 hour long video series, and I have yet to watch the new one w/ Keira Knightley...

Here are some other L.M.Alcott books that I own and enjoy:
Eight Cousins & Rose In Bloom (they go together)
Jack and Jill
Little Men (sequel to Little Women)
Jo's Boys (?final sequel to Little Men)
Under the Lilacs
and I don't own it, but I think there's a book called The Inheritance - I've seen the movie version, and it's quite good...
your homeschooled, elvessprincessgreenleaf? me too... what grade?
hey, ill totally take that list if u can give it to me...
yea, robin mckinly is good... i could say that about lots... but the comp is flippin out on me right now, so i g2 keep it short...
cereniel, u remind me of someone i know... hm..
what? jane eyre is like the best of all those books by bronte and all.. hm.. the scarlet letter was awful, i thoght... the scarlet pimpernel on the other hand s awsome... oh.. wow... i can tell im tired... can usually rattle off a bllion good books... cant think now... oh, if u like cryng, read the bridge to terabithia.. oh... bone is good.. ... speaking of books by alcott, the old fashoned girl was good.....
narniarox said:
i have a huge list
the frog princess
dragon's breath
once upon a curse ................... E. D. Baker
East................... edith pattou
the blue sword
the hero's crown
rose daughter.............. robin mckinley
the ropemaker............peter dickinson
tamsin............. peter s beagle
eragon ............ christopher paolini

and that is just a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way i think pride and prejudice is soooo good
i love some of those books!
East................... edith pattou
the blue sword
the hero's crown
rose daughter.............. robin mckinley

i like robin mckinley's style of writing. have you ever read spindle's end? and yes, east was wonderful.