~Grateful * Surrender~
New member
ooc: yah but you still made it the next day?
Liam didn't say anything as he fallowed about four strided behind her. he wasn't used to being on the defensive lines.
Will got home and turned on the lights. his parents were still gone and he smiled to himself. then he had an idea. he ran up to the computer and put in a residential search. he had told himself he wasn't going to give up.
“Hey this is Neil and I am lost.” He said turning around in circles looking at the seemingly identical buildings.
"Oh," said Crystal laughing slightly, "give me a sec," she said and she rushed over to her window. She could see him standing in the square turning in curcles looking compleatly lost.
She laughed again then said, "right stop turning... now, thats my building, one sec ill open the door, just pull."