Broadway Show

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Liam didn't turn around but waved abouve his head then rooled his eyes. what was dusitn doing there? "What are you doping here?" he asked

He pulled away gently, "This is so...right." he said then realized how dumb it must have sounded
Will got a taxi and was there in no time. he walked up to her door and knocked. He hoped Carley would be there.

Carley froze mid-bite when she heard the knock. "Why do I suddenly have visitors every night?" she thought, slightly annoyed. She walked over to the door soundlessly and looked through the peephole. Carley inwardly groaned- it was Will. Ignoring him, she walked back to her couch.
"You know what," Liam said pushing past him, "She is not my girlfriend and I am trying really hard not to sock you right about now." he started walking up the delapitated stairs.

"do you think this is going"

Will stood there for a while then knocked again, "I know you are in there."
Dustin rolled his eyes " My little friend kidnap her if you really care for her you go after her!," he yelled out to him " Oh, She in Florda," he told him.
Cara pulled into her drive way and parked her car in the garage and went up to her room. He father was at work so she grabbed some pizza he'd left in the oven as she went up to her room.
"Oh" he didn't know what to say. he just didn't want to move too fast for her and Amy, "I was just wondering you thoughts on the matter."

"wait what?" Liam stopped, "Why are you still here!?" he said running up the stairs now. he would call the police.
Liam opened his door and ran in he noticed there were two messages. he played the first and then picked up the phone he needed to call the police.

"Come on if you don't open up I'll stand out here all night," he said pounding harder
he let her step away. had he pushed it by asking to come over? had he rushed it even though it felt so very right?
"SHould I go?" he hated asking the question but he didnt' want to stay if she was uncomfortable.
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