Broadway Show

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"Oh no," Niel shook his head but didn't step closer, "Not at all. I just...I want to be mindeful," he shook his head at the last word. it didnt' sound right

"My life is briliant, my love is pure. I saw and angel, of that I'm sure." he started to sing at the top of his lungs. he knew she could hear him.
She took his hand gently looked at him then turned and lead him to the living room were the 2 pizza boxes were sitting on the coffee table.

She pulled him down gently so he sat next to her on the sofa, then flipped open the lids, "I got margarita and pepperoni."
"Neil," said Amy running up and scrambling onto his lap.

Crystal smiled at her and passed her a plate and a piece of pizza, she didnt have plaits for them 2 but she thought that Amy would want some too.
"Yeah," said Amy taking a big bite of her pizza then trying to talk and spraying pizza everywere.

Crystal just sighed with a smile, "Ill get the hover out later, but sweety, dont talk with your mouth full, its not a pretty sight."
Amy swallowed then forgot what she was going to say. She sat looking bemused so to hide her confushion she took another bite.

Crystal beemed at him, he was so good to Amy, almost like... a father, no wait that was going way to far, she backed up her imagination.
Amy sat on the floor resting against the sofa, she continued to eat but Crystal could see her head drooping slightly and her arms going limp.

"one sec," she mouthed to Neil and she got up, removed Amy's plate, picked her up and wlaked her to her room, she tucked her into her bed kissed her gently on her forhead and walked back into the living room.

"It's been a long day for her," she said to Neil resuming her seat neside him and taking a piece of pizza herself.
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