Broadway Show

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"thanks," she said and she hurried off to find a seat so she could wait for her turn.

She hoped that those two would get their parts and her the one she wanted, she liked them they gave her a good feeling and she knew she would be happy working alongside them.
OCC: OK thnaks

Crystal had been sitting there for about 5 minuits when she heard somone calling her name, she looked up and saw a man with a clipboard calling for a Crystal Vu. That was me, i got up and walked down to the front. I wasn'y nervous i had done this many times before so the nevers kind of wor off after a while.

I walked up the steps and onto the stage.
I passed the pianest my music and stood ready to sing.
Crystal finished her song on a long "best" and stepped off the stage. She felt confident that she had done well and alowed herself a smile, then she wondered back over to wear the others were standing.
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