Broadway Show

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OCC: Shes only 17 but she was raped when she was young and got pregnant she decieded to keep it because she dosn't sgree with abortions.

IC: "She's 4," she said expecting to see the look of judgement in his eyes.
Niel smiled and looked back to the little girl ," she is really well behaved for being only four." he walked over to her, "hey cutie," he said kneeling down by the little girl, "what you doing?"
She smiled " Oh, she look just like my baby sister she so cute I had to take care for her after our Mum....," she told her, with now treas rolling down her cheeks.
"Um my mummy says I'm not supposed to give my name to strangers," said Amy looking back at her mother.

Crystal saw her looking worried and said to the girl, "one moment."

She walked over to her and mouthed, "Whats up."

"Neil asked me my name," said Amy.

"Don't worry about Neil," she said picking Amy up, "Hes a friend."

"Oh ok," said Amy turning to Neil, "I'm Amy."
Neil let ought a short laugh and got up, "well it is very nice to meet you Amy," his smiled faded just a little. he looked into her eyes and then he snapped back ito reality, "lets hope your mom gets the part she's going for."
Anna was playing with her fingers while they talk " Hey sweetie can I see your book really quick?," she asked, with a smile " Oh, and I'm Anna," she told her.
She smiled, "I dont regret my discishion."

Then she came back from her small private moment with Neil to notice Anna waiting for her.

"Opps," she said to Neil, "forgot i left her standing there, dont tell her i said that by the way, you coming."

Amy passed Anna her book.
She looked up with a weak smile on her face " Hi again," she said, now taking the book from Amy "Oh, I love this book I read this to my sister," she told her.
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