Broadway Show

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"But," Cara stared at him, he couldn't just give up, they'd kill him. He couldn't do that, not know, she was just getting to know him and starting to fall for him.
Anna jumped up " Liam wait!," she told him, running to her bag " Liam I think I know were you can stay he well never look," she told him.
Liam shook his head. he knew these people better than anyone. they were his family and his worse enemy. if he was in the public eye they wouldn't just off him like they wanted to. Plays were his escape but they were striking.

"Nothing," he whispered looking away from her and watching Amy
he smiled, "I'm not going to involve you in this any more than you are Anna, " he said turning to Cara with a smile, "well now you know why I am such a sad person." he was joking but it came out pained

"It's just...Sam." he muttered still not sparing a glance at her
he smiled at Anna and unhooked his arm from her, "No...I won;t jeperdize you like that." Liam knew this was uncaractaristic of him in every way but he leaned over and kissed Cara.

"How much do you remember about what I said about my sister Sam?" he asked quietly
"She to was..." he didn't say the word. he knew she would understand, "but the thing is he beet her nearly to death. she got away but...internal bleading." he stopped and covered his eyes with his free hand, "even with sergery it," he shook his head and took a few breaths, "it only took two weeks and she was gone."

He kept the kiss for just a moment then turned back to Anna, "how about you give me the address?"
Cara looked to the other side of the room. So this is how it would be? She'd kiss him and he'd leave and she'd proably never see him again? She turned and looked back at Liam. "I'm going with you," she said suddenly.
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