Camp Rock


New member
Duh! Just like its says. A camp for songwrites, singers, and all other things that have to do with music.

Name: May Kerr
Age: 14
Postion at camp: Singer/Songwriter, can also play piano and gutiar.
Years Here: First
Bio: Very nice, silly but dead serious when it comes to music and proformance. She loves ANY (and i mean ANY) music. She is easy to get along with and very hyper. But she has a temper and is a horrible enemy.
Looks: dark hair cut into choppy layers. Has light blonde higlites. Bluest eyes you could ever see. She's pretty tall, has a natreul ddeep tan,and freakles.
Cabin Rythem (SP??? cant think)
Name: Liz Rockvail
Age: 13
Postion at camp: Singer
Years Here: second
Bio: Is headstrong and a tomboy. She dresses like a skater all the time. She loves singing (obviously) and playing basket ball.
Looks: Short brown hair and green eyes.
Name: Tangerine (Tangy) O' connel

age: 14 1/2

position: guitarist, song writer, back-up singer

year here; first

bio: Tangy's birth name is Margaret but she has been called Tangerine since about 2nd grade. She is shy and quiet on the outside and yet very fun and out-going once you get to know her. She doesn't like her singing voice, and feels much happier playing guitar. Likes almost all kinds of music (except rap/ hip-hop and "death metal")

looks; Short cut dark brown hair, very light brown eyes with a little green in them, dresses in very loose clothes and likes to wear dresses and skirts. Wears very light mascara but other than that; no make-up. Is an average height, maybe a little tall.
Name:Jimmy joplin
year here; first year here
Bio:jimmy was born into a life music and is parents are rich and has gotten everything he wanted but is not happy and is longing to make friends who dont like him for his money, He loves playing Country and Classic Rock
Looks: Long blond hair , Sapphire eyes , good physique , wears biker jackets , biker boots and tee shirts

May Kerr stepped off the bus and into the dirt raod to Camp Rock. She had on a Yankees cap (We'll say it takes place in New York), and a blue tank top. She had on dark blue jeans and her guitar slung in its case on her back. She took off her hat and shook out her hair. Then she looked around at all the other campers. She ajusted the backpack and guitar on her back....looking around
Liz looked at the window of the buss. She rose from her seat and walked out. She glanced around. Even though it was her second year she was a little nervous.
May blew a starnd of hair from her face. Her insides were flippping of nevousness. She normally want a nervous person but this was her first year away from home
"This is my second time. If you need any help with anything I'd more more than willing to lend a hand." Liz said with a smile.
Jim Looked at his new stay and walked off the bus with tight blue jeans biker boots , A Leather Biker Jacket and Aviator sunglasses and with a toothpick in his mouth and he was chewing on it and looked around and you could see a slick smile under his messy blond hair " iam going to like this place "
Tangerine O' connel got out of her car uncomfortably, looking around at the new camp. she was dressed in a long dark green dress and had her large acoustic guitar on her back. Every other camper she saw was in blue jeans either holding an electric guitar or none at all. She felt oddly out of place but she promised her self not to get too discouraged.
Tangy grinned "you think?" she asked him, "It's pretty beat up, I'm trying to talk my parents into getting an electric acoustic, but so far failing." she rolled her eyes. " so" she said, looking him over "you play too?"