Camp Rock

Jack shrugged. He didn't particuarly care about the divorce - he knew it, plain and simple: neither of his parents loved each other. He didn't know how Kim felt, but all he knew was the truth. "It's okay. We never really knew them when they were, you know, together. We were kids." He sighed. "Listen, I've got to go - maybe check out what Imogen and Jimmy are working on. See you." He gave his sister a hug and waved goodbye to Ivan.
OOC: I have to be going too. Late here & I have an exam tomorrow (pray for me!! D: ). I'll be able to update regularly from tomorrow though.

Oh, and I love that Group Hug video xD Kevin's so ADORABLE in that.
"Dude. We're in the same room. I can see you."

ROFL. Can't wait til it's out here.
"Hello, dear," the woman behind the desk smiled warmly at Ace and her mother. "And who might you be?"
", Alison McIntyre?" Ace said.
"Aah, yes. You're in a cabin not too far from here, with three other girls. Just go left when you get out of this building and then keep walking. It should be on your right- just ask someone if you can't find it."
They thanked the lady and left the building. Ace took a deep breath.
"I'll take it from here, mom."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'll just ask someone if I can't find it, like the woman said."
"Oh, honey. I'll miss you." Ace's mother pulled her into a rib-cracking hug.
"I'll miss you too, mom." Ace's voice was muffled as her face was jammed against her mother's shoulder.
She picked up her violin cases and suitcase and hurried away before she could burst into tears or do something embarassing.

OOC: Just so I know, where are the other characters & what are they doing right now? Just so I can let my character meet them.
Ivan looked back down at the lake. how could anyone be so cavalear about something like that. he couldn't imagine his parents being seperated. he didn't know what to say at all so he changed the subject, "where are you two from?"
Jack walked away from his sister and Ivan and back to the area at the entrance of the camp. Something on the ground caught his eye, but when he glanced back up, he walked right into a girl carrying a bunch of luggage, including two violin cases.
"Sorry!" He said quickly, catching one of the cases as it fell. He stood up again and looked at the girl. She was tall - almost as tall as he was, and in March he'd broken six-foot four. She had thick brown hair and brown eyes to match.
Kim giggled " Oh, sure right not really but the good thing we get more presents on our birthday and Christmas though,"She told him, with a sigh.