Camp Rock

Kim wondered off to see what she can do when she saw her friend with Jimmy, but she just past them " I wonder what they doing?,"She thought, she went to the lunch hall and got herself something to drink" I got words in my head I have to sing them,"She sang, while she was walking to her table.
"Oh, good!" Imogen said. "There's another girl in our cabin, too...I can't remember, but I know I've seen her somewhere. I just can't remember, though." There were footsteps and then Jack appeared at the top of the path.
"Jack!" Imogen waved.
"Hey!" He said, coming towards her. He caught sight of Jimmy and Kim. "Oh, I see you've met...Kim. My sister."
"Yeah, we're in the same cabin," Imogen smiled. "And this is Jimmy. He's new here, too; he's going to teach me to play guatiar."
Jack gave her a small smile. "That's...that's good! Great. Um...I'll - I'll catch you later, 'kay?"
"See you..." Imogen's voice trailed off as Jack hurried up the path. She turned to the other two. "Shall we, then?" She gestured up the path, and they set off.
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OOC: No you still can join if you want to.

ic: Kim look at her brother with a smile " Hey, Jack were where you I was looking all over for you?,"She told him, with a weak smile on her face" Talk you later,"She told her friend, hook her arm into her brother's arm.
Cool, thanks :) Could someone give me a short summary of what's happened so far? Just so I know how to come in and meet the characters & whatnot. I'll post my character after that.
That's great but I mean like the whole story so far. Like what's happened with all the other characters and how they met and everything xD It doesn't have to be anything HUMONGOUSLY long, just a really short summary.
Basically, only really me, Gentle Voice, and Grey Pilgrim are really active in this RPG. I don't know where everyone else went.
My character is Imogen, who is new to Camp Rock. She has five siblings and her foster brother died the year before. She plays piano and is a singer/songwriter. She meets a boy named Jack, and also becomes friends with a boy named Jimmy (Grey Pilgrim) who plays gutiar and offers to teach her; she also meets Kim, who turns out to be Jack's twin sister. So far with us three Imogen and Kim are in the same cabin, Kim decides to go hang ou with her brother and Jimmy and Imogen are going to practice gutiar. My girl also sees another girl in her and Kim's cabin who she recognizes from somewhere but can't place it. I'm not sure about everyone else in the RPG, though, because they haven't been playing.
Great! thank you for the over view. are you playing the girl that Kim recognizes?

here is my Person.
Name: Ivan
age: 17
he was born into a poor family in Russia but was able to come to the US to live with his wealthy grandparents. His Dad is Russian but his mom is English. His grandparents have lived in the US ever since his parents got married. Ivan is really shy but has the voice of an angel and can play the trumpet better than almost anyone. he also can dance like nothing else.

Ivan stepped out onto the dock and took a deap breath in. it smelt so fresh. he closed his eyes and smiled thinking about his parents. they had supported him all the way and now he just wished they could be there with him. sitting down he took off his sneakers and dangled his feet in the cool lake water. it felt good. this camp would be amazing, he just knew it
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Name: Ace

Age: 15

Postion at camp: Plays the violin/electric violin. Songwriter, but not a very good one.

Years Here: First

Bio: An an only child who lives with her single mother, Ace has always been rather introverted, and hasn't had much experience with other children. Instead she turned her passion to music and songwriting. Her mother, desperate for her to meet other people, took up an extra job and sent her to Camp Rock to meet other musicians her age.

Looks: Medium-length, thick wavy dark brown hair. Chocolate brown eyes. A narrow nose which may be a tad too long, and small, well-formed lips. Quite tall for her age.