Camp Rock

Imogen smiled. "My foster brother. Jamie. He loved music. Jamie knew how to play piano, he could sing, he could write music. He tought me everything he knew." After a moment, Imogen's smile faded, and she said in a quiet, low voice, "He died last year, though."
"Sure," Imogen said, standing up and getting her bags. But other than that there was a boys' room and a girls' room in each cabin, Imogen didn't know anything else about the cabins - what they looked like, etc., or even where they were.

ooc: I have to go to pre-performance rehersal for the play I'm in; and I won't be able to get back on tonight, so I won't be on until at least tomorrow, but I might be going to see PC instead of staying home!! :)
"Sure," Imogen said, standing up and getting her bags. But other than that there was a boys' room and a girls' room in each cabin, Imogen didn't know anything else about the cabins - what they looked like, etc., or even where they were.

ooc: I have to go to pre-performance rehersal for the play I'm in; and I won't be able to get back on tonight, so I won't be on until at least tomorrow, but I might be going to see PC instead of staying home!! :)

Jimmy stood up and picked up jude and his bag of things for the trip " Well lets find the cabin "
Kim giggled" If he is my twin then he well be the same age as I am,"She told her.

OOC: Katie you can PM me now

"What I meant was...oh, never mind!" Imogen smiled. She turned to Jimmy. "Okay, cool." She turned back to Kim. "I hope you find Jack! I'll see you later, Jimmy's going to help me with gutair."

~RuthietheGentle~ said:
Wait do yal know that Camp Rock is the name of the movie the Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers are in?
I did know that; I think that might be what the premise of the actual RPG is - a bunch of kids at music camp.
Imogen pulled open the door. It revealed a small room, with two doors leading off it on opposite wall. One door, the one on Imogen's left, had "Girls" written in red and the other had "Boys" in blue. Imogen noticed there was a third door across from them, with "Counselor" written on it in purple.
"See you in a bit," she said to Jimmy, and pushed open the door. The room was made out of wood, with six bunkbeds. There was another girl already there. She had creamy, coffee-coloured skin and her black curly hair was tied up in a bun at the back of her head. She was folding clothes on the lower bunk of one set of beds, her black duffle bag at her feet. When Imogen came in, and the door banged shut behind her, she turned her round, almond eyes on Imogen.
Imogen slung herthings on one of the top bunks, careful to keep the papers in her folder from falling on the floor. Imogen ignored the girl, whose eyes were boring into her back, and who had stopped folding her clothes. Imogen didn't know if Jimmy was done yet, but she left the room to wait for him.
Kim came in her cabin and see that she was in the seem one ask her friend was " Oh wow I guess I was wrong I'm with you after all,"She said, with a huge smile on her face.
Imogen was waiting for Jimmy when her cabin roommate came out of the cabin. She raised her eyes to Imogen and their eyes connected for a moment before the girl moved away, back to the area where Imogen had first met Jimmy and Kim.
That was when Imogen realized she'd seen that girl before, but from where, she couldn't place.
"Oh, that's cool," Imogen said, smiling. "I was just going to look for you. So...d'you want to stay down here, or go up to the picnic tables, or maybe the music hall?"