Camp Rock

" Well I have to go now bye," She said told her, with a wave and went to the other side of camep with her hands in her pockets. She saw some kids talking Kim just rolled her eyes. She walk over to the still having her hands in her pockets just glareing at them.
OOC: Rhythm. :)

Jack left her a little bit later after he had been given his cabin assignment, promising to catch up with her at dinner.
Imogen waited until everyone else had their assignements, then went up for hers. She was assigned to Rhythm. She just hoped she'd have nice cabinmates.
She lugged her bags outside and sat them on a picnic table. She glanced around, saw two kids - another girl with a gutiar, and a boy - chatting on a bench nearby. They looked her age, so she went over.
"Hi," she said rather timidly. "Can I sit with you? I'm kinda new here, and I don't really know anyone."

ooc: THANKS! I cannot spell right now!

ic: "Hey!" May said, ulling off her Yankees cap and shaking out her hair.
Imogen sat, smiling. "I'm Imogen Briary." She glanced around, looking for Jack. She couldn't see him, so she asked, "How long have you guys been coming here? This is my first year here; Dad heard about it from a friend whose daughter is friends with a girl who came last year."
huh, can i ??? :p

im guessing i can so im just gonna post my bio :

Name: Trevor Wall

Age: 14

Talent: Singing and dancing

Features: Long blonde hair and blue eyes. Not to tall but not to short.

Description: Trevor is a really nice guy, he is loud and not afraid to say what he thinks, he is new at Camp Rock and comes from Toronto, Canada. He doesnt know anyone at camp rock but is eagier to go there.
im guessing i can so im just gonna post my bio :

Name: Trevor Wall

Age: 14

Talent: Singing and dancing

Features: Long blonde hair and blue eyes. Not to tall but not to short.

Description: Trevor is a really nice guy, he is loud and not afraid to say what he thinks, he is new at Camp Rock and comes from Toronto, Canada. He doesnt know anyone at camp rock but is eagier to go there.

Trevor threw his bag onto his bunk and sank down onto the covers. He gazes around the cabin. *empty* He got up and peered out through the screen door down onto the lake. He walked out of the bunk and down towards the cafeteria. Gazing at the kids around him he grabbed a sandwich and sat down at a table by a large window looking out onto the lake.
Grey Pilgrim said:
" i play guitar you know if you wanna learn i could teach you " he said suggestively
"Really?" Imogen beamed. "That's so kind of you!" She felt herself blush pink.

Kim sat next to them still having her hands in her pockets.
" Ah, hi to you to," She said, with a sigh

Imogen turned. "Oh, hi!" She said, still a little scattered. Jimmy was...kind of cute, she thought. "I'm Imogen."
Kim finely smiled when someone side something, to her Kim pulled out her hands from her pockets.
" I'm Kim glad to meet you are you new here?,"She said.
"Oh." Imogen's shoulder's sagged a little, slightly disappointed she and one of the few people she was able to talk to here were not in the same cabin together. She glanced over her shoulder at Jimmy and then scooted a little closer to Kim. "Do you know a kid named Jack?" She whispered. "Jack Smethwyck? Tall...really, really goodlooking? He plays gutiar..."