Camp Rock

" since i was 7 really this is my only guitar even though my parents are wealthy and buy me alot of stuff i just use this and things i need i dont need thier money "
"that's... really cool, my parents like to buy me a lot of things too, though they're probably not as rich as your parents, but I like making stuff more. Like this for instance," Tangy patted her guitar "I didn't mention it before but it's hand made, about 2 years old"
The woman at the front desk handed her a list of the camp rules as more people filed into the Office. One of them, a girl, carried a gutiar. She patted it and said something to a boy. He smiled and replied. Two more girls came in. Everyone was smiling together, laughing.
Imogen tucked her hair behind her ear and shoved her bags to the floor. She knew that the others were there for cabin assignments. She sat on the chair, pulling herself as close to the wall as the plastic chair would allow. Imogen tried to blend into the drab wallpaper; she had never been as social as her sisters and brothers, preffering to spend her spare time with her piano and music.
Suddenly a boy - tall, lean, with an impossibly gorgeous smile - broke away from the crowd and came over. He ran a hand through his messy brown hair.

Her face flushed. "Uhm, hi."
"Can I sit?" He gestured to the chair next to her.
"Sure. Free country," she smiled, and he laughed. A brilliant, brilliant laugh. When he sat, she said, "What are you?"
He looked at her, quizzical. "What do you mean, what am I?"

"Oh, um...I mean...what do, music...?"
"Oh. I play piano." He smiled. "In terms of what I am, I am human."
Imogen laughed, feeling stupid.
"You? What are you?"
"I'm a human, too," she smiled. "I play piano, too. I also sing. I write my own music."

The boy smiled. "I'm Jack, by the way. Jack Smethwyck."
"Imogen Briary." Imogen smiled back at Jack, but then the camp director came into the office and everyone became quiet. But just having Jack near made Imogen peel herself from the dull floral wallpaper, realizing she was probably going to have a very nice time at Camp Rock.
Tangerine quietly got her cabin number and left the office. She saw a girl about her age sitting at a picnic table writing something down. She sat down too.
"um, hi." she said softly "what are you writing?"
ooc: can someone talk to me im bored.

ic: May walked into her cabin and chose a bunk. Then she walked out to the pavilion and started to strum random chords on her guitar.