Camp Rock

"yeah its fine guitar just look at mine " he pulled out Cheery Sunburst Gibson Les Paul which was beaten up and the red had faded but the strings where new and it was clean " this is my guitar jude "
"Sweet" Tangy breathed "What can you play?" she asked, getting excited shr fliped out her guitar and strumed a few odd chords. " maybe we know some of the same things"
Tangy waited a moment before joining in. She loved that song. It didn't sound quite right on acoustic when she played at home but playing next to an Gibson made it sound 10x better.

ooc; hey, I really gotta go to bed! see ya later! :)
She smiled too, "I should probably go meet other campers..." she said regretfully, she didn't want to leave her first friend... "Have you been here before? maybe you could give me a tour?"