

New member
YEAH! Summer camp!!! (Fun) Here are the people playing the carathers and the carahters:

People Playing who:

Alex Sayles: Alex is a jock....He plays all sports and has tons of friends...he is Tall, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes..He has a chrush on Grace He has tons of friends and is very sarcastic with evryone (so be warned!)​

Grace Chera: She is a queit popular, is a hair taller then Alex, brown long hair, grey eys, She has a small crush on Alex with only her friend KAssy knows..She is humorous and sarcastic and is friends with like everyone (wow..I just did me)​

Kassy Tepma: Is friends with evryone and is silly but sometimes mean...Is best friends with Grace...Is taller then Marcus but smaller then Alex...Brown hair longer then Graces...big brown eyes​

Marcus Dendo: Is a football dude like Alex (they are besty friends)..he is like a brother to Grace...Knows about Alex likeing her and her likeing him...Has a crush on KAssy...Is the small one....light red hair thatr falls in hair....brwon eyes​

Y'all can make up more but main people are listed above:​
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I'm joining :-D

Name: Amber (I'm using diff. names now :p)
Personality: shy :p smart, isn't good at many things :p (writing and art is it :p). Black hair, brown eyes.

YAY! I'm so proud of you Jadie!!!! *hugs* lol XD
Okay, I've decided to join. =]

Name: Erica Byds
Age: (uh around what age is everybody?)
Personality: shy around people she doesn't know, crazy around her friends, loves to read and write, would die without music

I might add more to it later...maybe a pic.
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Name- Meg Tristen
Bio- Meg is never found without her guitar and her book of staff paper. She writes her own songs and hates preforming. She refuses to sing in public and hates to be put on the spot. She doesn't hold grudges but gets angry very easily. She doesn't talk much, even with friends. She always sleeps with her stuffed sock monkey, Marcus. Likes taking pictures, but usually throws them away because she doesn't think they're too good.
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Name- Meg Tristen
Bio- Meg is never found without her guitar and her book of staff paper. She writes her own songs and hates preforming. She refuses to sing in public and hates to be put on the spot. She doesn't hold grudges but gets angry very easily. She doesn't talk much, even with friends. She always sleeps with her stuffed sock monkey, Marcus. Likes taking pictures, but usually throws them away because she doesn't think they're too good.

Want to be friends in this RP too? haha XD
I'll join. I'm Jesse Hart.
Jesse- pretty, loyal, pretty, sweet, pretty, popular, pretty, prissy, pretty, a cheerleader, loves P.O.T.C., thinks Orlando Bloom is hot, and wears skirts, mini-skirts, and belly shirts to camp.
Yet, she's silly, smart, Looney Tuney Loco(crazy), ha tons of great, fabulous friends, and more
Enjoy her!
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Ummm no guys role play anymore.... Tsukyomi was the last of them *sigh* Hopefully someone will take them though.

Name: Riley Foster

Age: .......

Bio: Riley is a know-it-all who isn't afraid to show her true colors. Whenever anyone is wrong about anything, she lets them know. Some people call her annoying, which is why she is extreamly self-concious. She hates it when people stare at her, and whenever someone corrects her she gets mad and runs away to cry, or starts a fight. She also loves the outdoors, which is why she joined camp.

Ummm no guys role play anymore.... Tsukyomi was the last of them *sigh* Hopefully someone will take them though.

Name: Riley Foster

Age: .......

Bio: Riley is a know-it-all who isn't afraid to show her true colors. Whenever anyone is wrong about anything, she lets them know. Some people call her annoying, which is why she is extreamly self-concious. She hates it when people stare at her, and whenever someone corrects her she gets mad and runs away to cry, or starts a fight. She also loves the outdoors, which is why she joined camp.

Pic: shouldn't be sighing after talking about him being gone. You should be screaming hallelujah as loud as you possibly can. =]
*sighs again* He's been the only guy that I could truely get into charater in a role playing game with. I mean, I miss how we could take over a role playing game when we had the smallest characters. *sigh*
name- Stacy Hamilton
age- (how old is everyone else)
bio- stacy is your classic dumb blonde. shes extreamly beautiful and clueless her parents thought she needed to be at the mall less so they sent her to camp. shes always dressed in the latest designer fashions. i wonder how shes going to relize that its nothing like her fairytale mansion in california