
Meg found the list of cabins and grinned. She and Erica were sharing cabin #5. They almost always shared cabins. If they didn't, they usually freaked their cabin buddies until they switched the order.
Pulling her camera out and placing it around her neck, she pulled her duffel bag behind her. And her guitar case.
"Well, in any case, I'm starving," Kassy announced as she put on a pink baseball cap and removed her sunglasses.
Erica pulled her bag behind her. She saw the list of cabins and was super happy that her and Meg were sharing a cabin. She took her stuff to their cabin then went to the cafeteria where she saw Meg. She walked over to her. "Hey Meg!"
Erica pulled her bag behind her. She saw the list of cabins and was super happy that her and Meg were sharing a cabin. She took her stuff to their cabin then went to the cafeteria where she saw Meg. She walked over to her. "Hey Meg!"

"Hey you. What's going on?" Meg said, grinning as she hugged her friend.