Through no fault of my own it is not Reepicheep. I tried very hard to be named Reepicheep, coming out of th womb filled to the brim with honor and such, but Nooooo, they said they weren't going to name their child after a mouse. *sighs*. Thats why I'm twisted as a teenager, because my dreams of being an honorable, adoreable mouse were crushed when I was but a wee babe. Then (and this part is very true) I tried to convince my family to call me Reepicheep, my brother told me I wasn't cool enough to be Reep, and so I petitioned for Peepicheep, and they still told me no!!!!
We got some bad weather here. A measley 6 inches of powder, but then it rained and sleeted all through the night into morning, ending up closing the schools. (no argument here). There are accidents all over the place and telephone wires and poles down. Its a mess
I've decided that, where I live, the snow only falls until this broken thing-ma-jig in my yard is full--and then it stops...So, I've decided to get rid of the thing-ma-jig so the snow will never stop falling!
Oh Lauren, having a girl's name gave you some brains! Perhaps I should turn it upside down...but wait, that wouldn't work, because theres a hole in the thing-ma-jig so then the snow would just fall until it spills over the top of the hole...So that doesn't work either.