Cheese Family

His final form is probably a cockroach. Much less intimidating, but you just can't get rid of the thing.
Cockroaches are killable if they are discovered in the act of running around in a sink. I killed a big one once that way.

I suppose the sink in the mod lounge will do....
Cockroaches are killable if they are discovered in the act of running around in a sink. I killed a big one once that way.

I suppose the sink in the mod lounge will do....
Not if we are careful about the kinds of experiments we perform. Nothing involving radiation, nothing involving Zinthos. We should do things like sticking him inside endless mazes and seeing how long it takes him to find a hole and get out, etc.
Or we could always use GG's kitchen sink, that way she can ingest him if things go wrong. Wow me and Lauren back to back, must be a weird day
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*Wanders about in half-dragon, half-cockroach form*

Okay, that's it. This is an abomination. *smashes WS with whale* *WS returns to satyr form and has lost his shape-changing abilities*

(Or...should that be satyrical form? The thought just occurred to me....)
*is unsure what Lava is saying* *smashes WS with an additional whale for being too satyrical*
*uncliffsplats self*

Only mods have the privilege to uncliffsplat. So there. *whalesplats WS again*