Cheese Family

*lol* That was cute, Toj. Sound like my younger know:

'You put bullets in your bow and arrows?' (at age eight)

'I'm going to put a punish over you!' (at nine)

'I'm going to play this – but I don't know its name, or how it goes....' (seven year old)

'No point in getting sick when I've already got the hiccups!' (five)

Eowyn, how big are kitty eggs? (at seven)

THis is mi nam ant silvue and will you pless sav me
(This was left up in TextEdit on the desktop of our old PowerMac – unsaved. Five-year-old.)

This is totally unrelated to Toj now--I guess I just felt like showing you these. :p
aye, very cute :D

are they all from different siblings or from the same one(s)? because if you had 6 younger siblings, that would explain a lot about your dufferness...
From the same two. :p Just at different ages. Which helps with understanding that I am NOT A DUFFFER!!!
From the same two. :p Just at different ages. Which helps with understanding that I am NOT A DUFFFER!!!

that sounds logical...

logic: *wakes up* what? you people never need me for anything around here? i don't remember the last time i've been to dufferland. what's the matter now?
mf: oh... i forgot. :eek:
logic: *falls asleep again*
I think it all started in the original Dramatic Entrance thread. all the crazy stuff that happened there... wasn't RF Lieke's mom (or was it the other way around?), and toj was in there too somewhere, and so on... very confusing.
Oh, right. But I think she ment a real niece anyway, because we were talking about spelling.
MF: Next!
toj: I have a grandfather with a long pink beard and he can spell something great!
Olorinses: *dissolves to puddle on ground*
toj: ...and then he died.
Toj has a niece? :eek: :p
Yea, but shes more like my mom's cousins sister in laws granddaughter...

they just said, to me, she's your neice and she's like...5.
Isn't Lieke her niece, or something?

HAHAHAHAHA NOT :rolleyes: - lieke's my SISTER..
older sister.

Wait--what? I'm lost. Again.

You are here!

I think it all started in the original Dramatic Entrance thread. all the crazy stuff that happened there... wasn't RF Lieke's mom (or was it the other way around?), and toj was in there too somewhere, and so on... very confusing.

Yea....Rf = MOM, Gkon = DAD and Lieke = SISTER.

Oh, right. But I think she ment a real niece anyway, because we were talking about spelling.

Yup! spelling!!!!

Well, you never know what's next, with toj...

well actually, i'm going to spanish class right after this. :D

MF: Next!
toj: I have a grandfather with a long pink beard and he can spell something great!
Olorinses: *dissolves to puddle on ground*
toj: ...and then he died.

That was beautiful...sadly...both my grandfathers..passed away....long time ago.
and both were bald.