Cheese Whiz (Please Do Not Delete)

Is Dernhelm a Duffer?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 13 81.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • What's a Duffer?

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lieke said:
*throws egg at IOWW's head:D*
*BAM sees egg coming in her face*
auch, that must hurt :D

*takes Cheese Whiz and hides*
*comes through the floor behind Lieke, just like a ghost*

MUAHA! *scares the cheese-whiz out of lieke takes it and hides in a wall* :D
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
*comes through the floor behind Lieke, just like a ghost*

MUAHA! *scares the cheese-whiz out of lieke takes it and hides in a wall* :D
*stops movie*
no, IOWW, you will never be a gohst like in that movie :mad: :p
*still has Cheese Whiz*

*pushes IOWW off cliff*
YAY Cheese Whiz and me :p
lieke said:
*stops movie*
no, IOWW, you will never be a gohst like in that movie :mad: :p
*still has Cheese Whiz*

*pushes IOWW off cliff*
YAY Cheese Whiz and me :p
*grows wings like Angel in X-Men and flies back up the cliff, grabs the Cheese Whiz and flies away* :D
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
*grows wings like Angel in X-Men and flies back up the cliff, grabs the Cheese Whiz and flies away*
darnit :mad:
*goes to Peter Pan and asks him to get the Cheese Whiz back*
*sees PP cutting IOWW's wings*
*sees IOWW falling...*
auch... this isn't her day :p

*gets Cheese Whiz*

wow, lieke I'm so impressed. You are so talented to be able to steal the cheese whiz from IOWW. How on earth did you get so talented?
onlymystory said:
wow, lieke I'm so impressed. You are so talented to be able to steal the cheese whiz from IOWW. How on earth did you get so talented?
She learned from her Master, which is me. :D

IOWW suddenly was picked up by Superman, who flew by Lieke so fast that she loses the Cheese Whiz and falls off the cliff to her impending doom. :)
onlymystory said:
wow, lieke I'm so impressed. You are so talented to be able to steal the cheese whiz from IOWW. How on earth did you get so talented?
i feel sarcasm :rolleyes: :p

Lieke fell down, but she took Lois Lane with her, Superman saw that and he had to come and save them both, Lieke threatend (sp??) to kill Lois if she didn't get the Cheese Whiz, so Superman gave it to her, and pushed IOWW off a cliff

lieke said:
i feel sarcasm

Lieke fell down, but she took Lois Lane with her, Superman saw that and he had to come and save them both, Lieke threatend (sp??) to kill Lois if she didn't get the Cheese Whiz, so Superman gave it to her, and pushed IOWW off a cliff

That's when Spiderman came swinging from nowhere and caught IOWW ( who for some odd reason always ends up falling off a cliff :rolleyes: :D ) He then sprayed webbing all over lieke and threw her into a pool of sharks. the Cheese Whiz was also caught by Spider mans webs, and IOWW and SPidey decided to live in happiness together with the Cheese-Whiz.

The End.
*oms strolls in, casually slips behind IOWW and Spidey who are 'ahem' preoccupied and smoothly lifted the cheese whiz off the table and walked back out.* silly superheroes. everyone knows their weakness is a pretty girl. thanks for the cheese whiz.
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
( who for some odd reason always ends up falling off a cliff )
hehe, i know:D the cliff is cool, a lot of people fell off it already, but they survived.... except some evil cat in fortunatelu/unfortunately :p

Lieke also knew that the weakness of a superhero is a pretty girl.... but since she wasn't one she went to the jungle.. and found Tarzan (he doesn't have superpowers, and he doesn't know how a pretty girl looks like:D)
Lieke said: Me Lieke, You Tarzan
Tarzan: oe a haoehaoeha
Lieke: Me staying here, You getting Cheese Whiz
Tarzan: oehaoehaoeoah *gets Cheese Whiz from OMS (who fell off the cliff :p)*
Lieke: Me is going, You is staying and guarding both IOWW and OMS (they both fell off that cliff)..
Tarzan: oehaoaheo *guards
Lieke: *runs with Cheese Whiz*
onlymystory said:
*oms strolls in, casually slips behind IOWW and Spidey who are 'ahem' preoccupied and smoothly lifted the cheese whiz off the table and walked back out.* silly superheroes. everyone knows their weakness is a pretty girl. thanks for the cheese whiz.
Sudenly, Magneto appeared and he took the Chese Whiz from everybody.

...well this sucks...
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
Sudenly, Magneto appeared and he took the Chese Whiz from everybody.

...well this sucks...
But then Tarzan came, on a lian:D AHOEAHOEAHOEA
Magneto fell off the cliff and Tarzan gave the Cheese Whiz back to Lieke, and guarded all three of them
lieke said:
But then Tarzan came, on a lian:D AHOEAHOEAHOEA
Magneto fell off the cliff and Tarzan gave the Cheese Whiz back to Lieke, and guarded all three of them
Magneto used his magic metal powers to take the Cheese whiz back. he then gave it to his master, IOWW, who was safely hiding in OMS's Trashcan love.
TRASH CAN :D *worships*

but then they all realized that they were still falling off that cliff, and in panic IOWW dropped the Cheese Whiz... and Lieke catched it:D
lieke said:
TRASH CAN :D *worships*

but then they all realized that they were still falling off that cliff, and in panic IOWW dropped the Cheese Whiz... and Lieke catched it:D
Except for the small fact that Lieke was outside the trashcan so catching the Cheese whiz that IOWW dropped was an impossibility. :D The Trashcan still contained IOWW AND The Chese whiz, so all was swell.
but when IOWW realized what she was doing (falling down.... WITH THE TRASH CAN:eek:!!) she thought about the higest goal in her life... serving the Trash Can, so she gave the Cheese Whiz to Lieke and said: i beg you, save the Trash Can...

Lieke who wanted to worship the Can too agreed:D :p
YOU KNOW WHERE MY TRUE LOVE IS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!!!! *oms pulls a combination of Rogue and the Phoenix, steals everyone's powers leaving them helpless and vulnerable, sends them all flying off a cliff in a fit of rage, then reaches out and grabs both the trash can and the cheese whiz, eats the cheese whiz and immediately starts crying because this is not her true love trash can, its just a pathetic imitation and she's still missing her true love.* YOU EVIL PEOPLE WHO KEEP LYING ABOUT MY TRUE LOVE AND DESTROYING MY HAPPINESS!!!! I'M GOING TO TAR AND FEATHER YOU AND RUN YOU OUT OF TOWN ON A RAIL!!!