Chinese Dynasties


New member
Please join!You can be any of these:

Body Guard for Princess

Here's mine:

Name: Ling Xiaoyu

Age: 17

Bio: She is Princess of Shanghai and she is a very compassionate,kind,and
good-natured girl for a princess.She is also very child-like even for her age.

Weapon: She uses her staff and sometimes she fights with her hands

kewl can we be sisters?

name : chin Xiaoyu

age 17

bio: she one likes to hang a round the grand and dance arond alot and fit for fun some times

wapon:swords and banboo stiks
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this is sad no one never visits here I'm ready to start but we need morw ppl thuo

ic ching was out side under the cheery blossom tree " look at that isn't preety?"she said to her little frined the blue bird
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Name: ...pp help me think of one (sorry I said I'd always use Jadie Liang...all I know Liang is Chinese, from my friend...)

Age:14 going on 15

Personality: nice...spoiled....always bored

I am a princess of a different place in china I GUESS

WEAPON: swords...

Look like: black brown hair, brown eyes...

Wow Sweetie girl your character is pretty...and ppl I am only 16 perrcent of 100 Chinese. Whenever you guys wanna start...
i think that this is cool too. i will be a bodyguard to both the princess of shanghai and her sister. i follow them everywhere they go by order of the emperor and am seceretly there cousin. i am desguised most of the time. and have much magic and can change my shape to animals and stuff. i fight with bamboo staff, spear, and samurai sword. i was trained by a samurai who died and gave me his sword and position and magic.
narniaguardian said:
i think that this is cool too. i will be a bodyguard to both the princess of shanghai and her sister. i follow them everywhere they go by order of the emperor and am seceretly there cousin. i am desguised most of the time. and have much magic and can change my shape to animals and stuff. i fight with bamboo staff, spear, and samurai sword. i was trained by a samurai who died and gave me his sword and position and magic.

Cool character :)