Clash of the Cliques!

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Aiden watched as Delia and Liana surfed. When he noticed Chris appear he tried to ignore him, but watched him suspiciously as he went surfing with Delia. Aiden crossed his arms, watching quietly.
"Ok," Chris paddled and up he was on the wave. he rode under it as it came over and barely made it out of the tunnel before the wave came down on him.

Liana smiled and Tina clapped.
Raquel noticed how annoyed Aiden looked because Chris was around.
"Let's go swimming!" Raquel said enthusiastcally, trying to get Aiden out of his bad mood. She then took off her shorts and tank top, now only wearing her bikini.
Delia was bored, so she paddeled back out to catch another wave. After doing a few various flips and tricks she glided to the middle and let the wave roll over her, but never touch her, until she had no hope of not getting wet, and then she ducked and rode out as the wave died.
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