Clash of the Cliques!

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"Watch it." He said mock-threateningly. "I know I can take you and I'm pretty sure I saw a few jelly fish while I was under." He smirked.
"Only cause i'm all short." Raquel pouted, refurring to her hight being only 5'2".
"That's so unfair! Taking advantage of my fear of jelly fish. Not cool Aiden, not cool." She said shaking her head and pouting.
Raquel smiled sweetly as Aiden kissed her forehead.
"Nah, I think we beat him up enough. He's probably tramatized by now." Raquel giggled
Raquel hugged Aiden back.
"Gosh, you're such a whimp Aiden." she chuckled while reaching up and affectionatley played with his hair.
Raquel smiled and kissed Aiden, moving her hand that was tangled in his hair to his chest.
"Yeah, I don't think I wanna beat you up anymore." She said smiling sweetly, tilting her head slightly.
Raquel gently pulled away, smiling widely.
"I have to say, out of all the guys i've kissed you're totally the best kisser." She said laughing lightly.
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