Clash of the Cliques!

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"Nope." She smiled. Raquel was suddenly over come by a strange sence of saddness "Aiden I'm so sorry I yelled at you." She said starting to cry. "It just my hormones are going all crazy and I can't help it! please don't be mad at me!" She blubbered, covering her face as she cried.
Aiden sighed. He looked at her pleadingly. "Sweety, you know I'm basically useless when it comes to this time of month. I want to make you feel better...but you're killing me."
"No, you're not." Aiden hugged her, wishing she wouldn't cry. "It's a girl thing, I guess." He cleared his throat, this subject made him slightly uncomfortable. "I still love you." He smiled.
"I love you too." Raquel sniffiling slightly "Owwwie" She whined pulling away from Aiden and plopped down on her bed as the cramps got worse.
Raquel frantically grabbed for the box of Midol, opened it and popped one of the pills in her mouth. Then she then picked up the bag of fun sized Snickers and opened it shoving one of them in her mouth.
"Have you ever noticed how they're labled Fun Sized...but their super tiny, in my opinion fun sized would be a humoungous Snickers bar. That's totally false advertizing." She said, while still chewing the tiny Snickers.
"Well my Dad is a lawyer. Oh My Gosh! I totally should sue!" Raquel joked, feeling much more like herself after taking the Midol.
"Actually Snickers is owned by the Mars company." Raquel said in a smug matter-of-factly way as she playfully tossed an opened wrapper at him.
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