Clash of the Cliques!

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"Sure ya did." Raquel smirked, rolling her eyes "You know I totally should've kicked you're butt when you yelled at me before." She said laughing slightly
"Psh, who said I wasin't gonna beat you up." Raquel said with a mischevious smile as she got up from her bed and ran over to Aiden and pulled him into a headlock.
Aiden twisted out of the head lock and trapped Raquel, holding her arms behind her head. "Please don't make me hurt you." He laughed cockily.
"Aiden! That's no fair!" Raquel whined while laughing and squirming. She then kicked Aiden in his knee in hopes that he would let her go.
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"Haha!" Raquel laughed tauntingly as she managed to release herself from Aiden. She turned around to face him and tackled him to the floor, then pulled her self up to sit on his stomach.
"Purple nurple!" Raquel shouted with a gleeful smile as she twisted the skin on Aiden's chest.
Aiden sat up so his face was right in front of Raquel's. He put on his best angry face. "I'm gonna have to kill you if you don't stop calling me that name." He joked.
"If you say so...Aidey poo" Raquel scoffed with a smug smile "Aide-y poo, Aide-y poo, Aide-y poo." She teased in a sing song voice.
"Ow! Aiden!" Raquel shouted and laughed at the same time, slapping Aiden's hand that was pinching her away, still sitting on Aiden's stomach.
Raquel squirmed violently while laughing as Aiden tickled her resulting in her falling off of Aiden and sprawled on the floor laughing uncontrolably.
"You're such a butt hole Aiden" Raquel said sticking her tounge out at him, then lifted her leg and kicked him in his shin while she was laying down.
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