Clash of the Cliques!

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Liana Laughed, "well that is soemthing you don't see in Mexico everyday," then the smile faded, "I wish her parents could see us like a real couple," she said looking back towards Tina.
"They will. You have to believe that, otherwise if you don't believe it yourself, then how could they? Be confident. Everything turns out good in the end."
"That's the way they see it, isn't it? It may not be right to you or me, but that's how they think, so they have to accept it in their own way." she didn't want to offend her in any way, but it was a touchy subject.
"No problem, we all need to get something off our chests every once and a while. I wish I could say that I understand where your coming from, but I can't, so I can't really empathize but I can sympathize."
Delia frowned when she saw Chris, but remembered her promise to herself. After the party, after the party, just wait till after the party.
"I havn't surfed in almost 7 months. I know I'm rusty, I can't do quite a few tricks that I normally could, but with a few more rounds I'm sure I'd be able to do them again."
"Sure you can handle me?" she smiled, knowing she could crush him, "Did you know that I've been to Australia for a World competition?" she hoped that her lapse of 7 months wouldn't effect her too much right now.
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