Clash of the Convo's

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Alyosha: *quack*
Me: No, I don't want to talk to the banana.
Alyosha: *quack*
Banana: Hello!
Me: Go away. I'm taking notes.
Banana: No! I want to lecture on house plants!!
Me: No!
Alyosha: *quack*
Banana: Yay! *starts to lecture*
Alyosha: *listening*
Me: *facepalm* Bananas don't talk!!
Banana: Then why are you talking to me?
Me: I don't know...
Banana: Very well. *resumes lecture*
Me: Now that we've all been seated, I will begin the seminar. *ahem*
If you are here and are either expecting/have a wife that is expecting raise your hands.
Eric: And when is our next child going to be born?
Me: Real soon
Eric: 7 months?
Me: Yes.....
Eric: OMG and Claudia is not 4 months old!
Me: I already said so
Kitty: *sighs that she is only dating and can't raise her hand*
Murtagh: *rejoices they are only dating and can't raise his hand*
Banana: *still lecturing*
Alyosha: *quack?*
Banana: yes, you must be sure to give the plant some sun every day. *resumes lecture*
Me: *banging head on the table* Bananas DON"T talk!!
Banana: But I do talk.
Me: Then you can't be a banana!
Banana: Then what am I?
Me: I don't know...
Banana: That's because I am a banana. *resumes lecture again*
Me: *smiles*
Ben: Abby, you aren't either, are you?
Me: Heck no. Well, not yet.
Ben: Uhhh...
Me: ANYWAYS. First I'll talk to the ladies. I think that you should all be EXTREMELY happy you've been blessed with an opportunity to carry a child.
Ben: All those big nice sounding words don't change the fact that the guys are going to be going through torture for the next few months...
Me: *smiles*
Ben: Abby, you aren't either, are you?
Me: Heck no. Well, not yet.
Ben: Uhhh...
Me: ANYWAYS. First I'll talk to the ladies. I think that you should all be EXTREMELY happy you've been blessed with an opportunity to carry a child.
Ben: All those big nice sounding words don't change the fact that the guys are going to be going through torture for the next few months...

tyson: true that!
kay: so what?! its still going to be amazing as soon as we have our baby!
Alyosha: *quack*
Apple: I want to lecture on how to tie your shoes!!
Me: Ahhhhhh! A talking apple?!?
Apple: That's me! *begins lecture*
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