Clash of the Convo's

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The order thing sounds like a good idea, and if someone isn't here you can either ask another person to fill in for you or you can just keep your characters and ask for an update.
Also: When you post, don't get too crazy with the randomness. Like if we're all talking about a dragon-thingy that's eating the townspeople please don't start a whole other conversation about dancing polar bears. :rolleyes:
I'm most of the time off when you are all on (time difference) or at least I supposed to be off :p I can always ask someone to play my characters If I'm not there
we shouldn't do an order becouse sometimes on not online for a day or so. we should just be considerate of others and when they're online
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
don't abandon TDL!
Um I'm talking about summer
when I won't have access to TDL.

and right now i'm just annoyed by people saying that
blah blahbla
is the ONLY way to live...
I, Shadow_Kitty, by the power vested in me, declare that anyone who plans to take a break for more than 3 weeks from the career of TDLing must tell at least 3 of there closest friends on TDL at least three days before they leave.
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